

題名:The Lips of the Wise Disperse Knowledge: A Study on Subsidiary-specific Knowledge Transfer within Subsidiaries in a Multinational Corporation
作者:翁良杰 引用關係張文菁 引用關係賴薏筑
作者(外文):Weng, Liang-chiehChang, Wen-chingLai, Yi-chu
主題關鍵詞:多國籍企業子公司社會化機制知識傳佈Multinational corporationsSubsidiariesSocialization mechanismsKnowledge transfer
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In this paper, we try to explore the impact of two organizational socialization mechanisms, lateral relationships and procedural justice, on intersubsidiary transfer of subsidiary-specific knowledge (SSK) within multinational corporations (MNCs). Our findings indicate that subsidiaries are reluctant to transfer SSK, but, however, by utilizing organizational socialization mechanisms, MNCs can influence the inter-unit transfer of SSK. In particular, we find support for the impact of the transfer of HR-embedded knowledge and process-embedded knowledge on its outflows and the use of lateral relationships and procedural justice as moderator on the transfer of SSK to other affiliate subsidiaries.
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