

作者(外文):Huang, Hui-senLiao, Feng-tsu
主題關鍵詞:敘事取向生涯諮商生涯團體諮商敘事治療敘事研究高中生Narrative approachCareer counselingCareer group counselingNarrative therapyNarrative inquirySenior high school student
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  本研究旨在透過敘事取向生涯探索團體,引發高中生回顧、敘說及反思個人生命成長經驗,藉以從中觀照、理解並詮釋其因團體動力而共構、解構與重構的生命故事與生涯敘事。研究對象為八位面臨升學壓力的高三學生。研究方法採用敘事研究取向。研究過程中發現八位團體成員生涯敘事均有其獨特的發展脈絡與核心主題。研究者試以團體歷程故事、成員生涯敘事、研究過程對話等面向,呈現敘事研究結果並接引文獻進行探討。研究結論聚焦於團體發展歷程意義及生涯脈絡影響因子兩向度論述之。其一,敘事取向生涯探索團體發展歷程意義函蓋:(一)陪同團體成員走進個人生命經驗脈絡,引發重新建構未來生涯敘事;(二)著重團體成員各階段的自我角度位移,豐厚其生命故事與生涯敘事。其二,現階段高中生個人生涯脈絡影響因子包括:(一)原生家庭氛圍形塑自我概念發展;(二)生命重要事件深化生涯發展願景;(三)學習高峰經驗奠定生涯發展基礎;(四)重要他人影響指引生涯發展方向;(五)自我成長期許提昇生涯發展動力。   研究者根據研究結論提出具體建議,期使用於未來學術研究、高中生涯輔導、諮商實務工作等之參考。
The main purpose of this research was to initiate the narrative of senior high school student’s life stories. Throughout the Narrative Approach Career Exploration Group Counseling, eight senior high students old their life experiences by looking back their life. In the process of co-constructing, deconstructing and reconstructing the events in their life, the researcher tried to look at, understand and interpret the events in context. This study based on the narrative inquiry thesis, and after understanding and interpreting their stories, the research found that the narrative of each event had its very distinct context development and its very own key theme. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1.The meaning of this Narrative Approach Career Exploration Group Counseling were (a) to accompany the group members to get through the narrative of his/her life experiences, and to lead them to reconstruct the narrative of his/her future career, and (b) to focus on the change of I position of the group members, and to enrich the narrative of this life story of them. 2.The influential factors of senior high school students’ career context were (a) the atmosphere of the family of origin molds the development of self-concept, (b) the important events in life deepens one’s anticipation of career development, (c) the learning from peak experience consolidates one’s foundation of career development, (d) the influence of important others guides one’s way of career development, and (e) the anticipation of self-growth promotes one’s power of career development. The practical suggestions based on the results of this research would be proposed and be applied to the field of the reference for further study, the career counseling of senior high school students, and the work of counseling.
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