

作者:方萬全 引用關係
作者(外文):Fang, Wan-chuan
主題關鍵詞:蒯因維根斯坦翻譯的不確定說指稱的不可測度說依循規則W. V. QuineLudwig WittgensteinIndeterminacy of translationInscrutability of referenceRule-following
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威廉斯(Meredith Williams)認為我們可以利用後期維根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein)哲學中其所謂的「背景瞭解」(background understanding),來反駁蒯因(W. V. Quine)有關翻譯與指稱的「不確定說」。在她看來構成「背景瞭解」的一部份的有關東西屬或不屬同一類的所謂的基本判斷,因為不是或不能是詮釋或翻譯的對象,因此可以避開蒯因所說的「不確定性」。她也認為「背景瞭解」讓我們可以從眾多的可能性中,選出我們的語言所真正涉及的存有論,因此我們的語言的指稱與意義就不會有「不確定性」的情況。本文所要說明的是,一方面威廉斯所說的基本判斷其實無法避開「不確定性」的困擾,而「背景瞭解」也不能幫助我們選出我們的語言的所謂真正涉及的存有論。由此可見,維根斯坦的「背景瞭解」與蒯因的「不確定說」的成立與否,並沒有像威廉斯所認為的那樣有那麼直接的關係,讓我們可以利用「背景瞭解」來說明蒯因所說的「不確定說」是不成立的。
Meredith Williams thinks that what she calls the 'background Understanding' in later Wittgenstein can be used to refute W. V. Quine's theses of the indeterminacies of translation and reference. For this she first points out that the so-called basic judgments of sameness, unlike other judgments, are not interpretable, hence not subject to Quine's indeterminacies. She also thinks that the background understanding can help us single out from among other alternatives what our words really refer to. In this paper we will argue that the basic judgments of sameness, due to their sharing of words with other judgments, are subject to interpretation, hence to Quine's indeterminacies. We will also point out that the background understanding can in no way privilege a certain ontology as the actual or intended ontology of our language. So, contrary to what Williams would want us to believe, there is no direct route from the background understanding to a refutation of Quine's indeterminacy theses.
1.Quine, Willard Van Orman(1987)。Indeterminacy of translation again。Journal of Philosophy,84(1),5-10。  new window
2.Williams, Meredith(2000)。Wittgenstein and Davidson on the Sociality of Language。Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour,30,299-318。  new window
1.Wittgenstein, Ludwig(1958)。The Blue and Brown Books。New York:Harper & Brothers。  new window
2.Kripke, Saul(1982)。Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language。Cambridge, Mass:Harvard University Press。  new window
3.Quine, Willard Van Orman(1995)。From Stimulus to Science。From Stimulus to Science。Cambridge, Mass.。  new window
4.Quine, Willard Van Orman(1992)。Pursuit of Truth。Cambridge, Mass.。  new window
5.Wittgenstein, Ludwig、Anscombe, G. E. M.(2001)。Philosophical Investigations。New York:Macmillan。  new window
6.Quine, Willard Van Orman(1960)。Word and Object。Cambridge, Massachusetts:MIT Press。  new window
7.Quine, Willard Van Orman(1969)。Ontological Relativity。Ontological Relativity and Other Essays。New York。  new window
8.Quine, Willard Van Orman(1980)。Two Dogmas of Empiricism。From a Logical Point of View。Cambridge, Mass.。  new window
9.Davidson, Donald(1984)。The Inscrutability of Reference。Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation。Oxford:Clarendon Press。  new window
10.McDowell, John(1998)。Wittgenstein on Following a Rule。Mind, Value, and Reality。Cambridge, Mass.。  new window
11.方萬全(1985)。A Study of Davidsonian Events。A Study of Davidsonian Events。Taipei。  new window
12.Williams, Meredith(1999)。The Etiology of the Obvious:Wittgenstein and the Elimination of Indeterminacy。Wittgenstein, Mind and Meaning。London。  new window
13.Quine, Willard Van Orman(1990)。Three Indeterminacies。Perspectives on Quine。Oxford;Cambridge, Mass.。  new window
1.Putnam, Hilary(1975)。The meaning of meaning。Mind, Language, and Reality: Philosophical Papers。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
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