

題名:國際船舶及港口設施保全章程(ISPS Code)實施後對船公司營運影響之研究
作者(外文):Yuan, Chih-ching
主題關鍵詞:海上人命安全國際公約國際船舶和港口設施保全章程海事保全SOLASISPS codeMaritime security
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自美國遭受911恐怖攻擊後,即尋求國際合作,執行船舶與港口保全工作。而國際海事組織(IMO)於2001年11月20日之大會通過主題為「防範威脅乘客和船員保全及船舶安全之恐怖行為之措施和程序審查」之 A924(22)決議案。海上人命安全國際公約(SOLAS)之締約國政府於2002年12月9至13日招開海事安全外交會議中,採納SOLAS1974之2002年修正案第XI-2章及其決議案2(ISPS Code),並於2004年7月1日生效。為符合此一章程之實施,每一船舶必須建立保全計劃,並須獲得船籍國所簽發之國際船舶保全證書,否則船舶於灣靠港口時將遭到扣留之處置。故此一章程實施後必將對船公司及船舶造成不少之衝擊與影響。本文僅就此一議題探討分析其對船公司營運所造成之衝擊有哪些,並尋求適切解決之道。
After the tragic events of 9-11 by the acts of terrorism in U.S.A., the International Maritime Organization (IMO) convinced of the urgent need to develop international cooperation between States and adopt effected and practical measures about ship and port security. The Resolution A.924(22) entitled “Review of measures and procedures to prevent acts of terrorism which threaten the security of passengers and crew and the safety of ship” adopted by the Assembly of the Organization on 20th November 2001 ,and the Contracting Government to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS) agreed to hold a conference on maritime security in 9-13th December 2002.On 12th December 2002 the amendments to chapter XI-2 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention and Resolution 2 ;the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities (ISPS Code) were adopted, and were set into force on 1st July 2004 .For complying with the Code , every ship has to establish a security plan and obtain an International Ship Security Certificate issued by the flag state, otherwise the ship may be detained in calling port. The new security requirements give a lot of works to shipping company and seafarers and caused a great deal of impacts and influences. This paper reviews the requirements of the Code and analyzes the procedures of implementation to the operation of shipping companies. Finally there will figure out some measures of solution.
1.Lawrence, W. Lan.(2003)。“The New Challenge of International Transportation Security”p. 134。  new window
1.IMO(2002)。“Consideration and adoption of amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 SOLAS/CONF.5/32”。  new window
2.IMO(2002)。“Consideration and adoption of the International Ship and Port Facility Security(ISPS)Code, SOLAS/CONF/.5/34”。  new window
3.IMO,(2006)。“Adoption of Amendments to the Seafares' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code Resolution MSC.209(81)”。  new window
4.IMO(2002)。“The Resolution of the Conference of Contracting Governments to SOLAS, 1974”。  new window
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