

作者:林琨瀚 引用關係陳嘉遠 引用關係黃奕銘念裕祥 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:反應能力協調能力棒球打擊肌電圖Reaction abilityCoordination abilityBaseballElectromyography
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打擊動作的反應能力對於打擊表現影響甚大。優秀的打擊選手被認為具有較佳的反應能力。本研究針對優秀與一般選手進行打擊反應時間與手眼協調反應時間的分析。22名文化大學甲組棒球隊員參與本測試,依打擊成績與長時間觀察打擊表現之評定,分成優秀組與一般組。兩組皆進行打擊反應測試與手眼協調測試。打擊反應測試中,以肌電儀(electromyography, EMG)偵測打者看見投球後之手臂肱橈肌肌電反應,計算打擊反應時間;手眼協調測試中,以陳式手眼協調反應器測量每位打者左、右手的手眼協調反應時間。資料以獨立樣本T檢定考驗優秀與一般組的差異,以相依樣本T檢定考驗左、右手之差異。實驗結果顯示,優秀組打擊反應時間較一般組快(p<.05);優秀組的左、右手手眼協調反應均與一般組無明顯差異(p>.05);慣用右手的優秀組左、右手手眼協調反應無明顯差異(p>.05),而一般組則達明顯差異(p<.05)。因此,具有較快的打擊反應時間與較一致的左、右手手眼協調能力可被視為優秀選手的特質之一,期能提供球隊教練在選材及運動訓練目標設定上的參考。
Batting reaction time has great effect on performance. Generally, elite players perform better ability on the reaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the batting reaction time and hand-eyes coordination between elite and sub-elite baseball players. Twenty-two baseball players of Chinese Culture University participated in the test. EMG technique was utilized to detect batting reaction on brachioradialis muscle of dominant hand while the player preparing to swing; hand-eyes coordination was measured by Chen's hand-eyes coordination measurement to test left and right hands of each player. Independent T test and paired T test were used to exam the difference between elite and sub-elite, right and left hand, individually. The results revealed that elite players performed faster batting reaction time than sub-elite ones (p<.05); both groups showed no significant difference on hand-eyes coordination time on right or left hand (p>.05); a significant difference (p<.05) of hand-eyes coordination time between right and left hand occurred in sub-elite players of the right dominant hand group. All results provided coaches with useful information about reaction ability and as a reference to goal setting on training and talent identification for baseball players.
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