

作者:張宏榮 引用關係侯嘉政 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Hung-jungHou, Jia-jeng
主題關鍵詞:策略創業策略創業影響要素動態能力組織學習策略創業觀念性架構Strategic entrepreneurshipInfluencing factors strategic entrepreneurshipDynamic capabilitiesOrganizational learningConceptual framework of strategic entrepreneurship
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摘要 本文目的是以動態能力觀點探討策略創業之相關研究。從動態能力相關文獻中整 理四種不同理論觀點,以建構策略創業之觀念性架構。在動態能力的理論基礎下,本 研究分別說明具有高階能力階層、策略整合、組織學習與具有雙重監督過程之動態能 力對策略創業之影響。本研究提出一個以動態能力建構策略創業為核心的研究架構, 包含影響因素,構成要素與結果等三大部份,並提出四個有關策略創業之研究命題。 最後,本研究也提出有關於策略創業之管理意涵與未來研究方向。
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to study strategic entrepreneurship by the dynamic capability perspective. We build upon the four different models of dynamic capability approach in our search for mechanisms that increase the capability for strategic entrepreneurship. Drawing on the dynamic capabilities perspective, the study proposes four research propositions about strategic entrepreneurship. We conceptually describe a new model of strategic entrepreneurship through dynamic capability including antecedents, context and consequences. Finally, the study points out some suggestions for future research and managerial implications.
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