

題名:Corporate Ownership Structure and the Value Relevance of Family Executives' External Directorships
書刊名:Asia Pacific Management Review
作者:Tsai, Liu-chingChiou, Su-lingWu, Shing-jenYoung, Chaur-shiuh
主題關鍵詞:External directorshipsValue relevanceOwnership structureUltimate control
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This study examines whether the core agency problems (i.e. the agency problems arising from controlling shareholders) affect investors’ valuation on the external directorate networks of family executives. Using a sample of listed firms in Taiwan, we find that the relationship between family executives’ external directorships and market valuation decreases with the level of the divergence in controlling shareholders’ voting and their cash flow rights. This result implies that outside investors perceive that family executives accept outside board seats for the controlling owners’ self-interest purposes at the expense of minority shareholders when controlling families possess more control than their equity ownership, which exacerbates the entrenchment effect of ownership concentration.
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