

作者:詹立宇 引用關係王嘉齡邱筠惠
作者(外文):Chan, Li-yuWang, Chia-lingChiu, Yun-huei
主題關鍵詞:地理集中產業績效觀光旅遊Geographic concentrationPerformanceTravel and tourism
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Travel and tourism industry is becoming increasingly important and expected to contribute to the country economy, especially national income and job creation. Meanwhile, the manufacturing sector remains the most important part in regional and national economies. A lot of researches find that the level of industry geographic concentration relate to the success of industry performance in the manufacturing sector. The relationship between travel & tourism industry geographic concentration and performance becomes an interesting question. This paper tries to explore this relationship in an excellent island economy, Taiwan. Based on the census data of Taiwan's travel & tourism industry, we summary the data in industry-area level for local observation and configure global geographic concentration of 18 four-digit industries. We try to investigate the relationship between the geographic concentration and various performance indices, including profit ratio, labor productivity, employment coefficient and value-added ratio. We find that the global geographic concentration of industry seems too rough to get further understanding. By analysis of industry-area data, we can find two types of geographic concentration, local industrial agglomeration and regional agglomeration. Both local agglomerations negatively correlate to local industry profit ratio, but increase the productivity, because of the increasing of cluster competition. If we try to create more value-added and jobs by agglomeration, it's a better way to develop the industry with lower global geographic concentration.
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