

題名:The Yu-dative Construction "V+yu+IO" in Archaic Chinese: A Cognitive Typological Perspective
作者(外文):Phua, Chiew-pheng
主題關鍵詞:V+于+IO句式上古漢語認知語法語義地圖V+yu+IO constructionArchaic ChineseCognitive grammarSemantic map
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This paper argues against the received view that the two yu-dative constructions in Archaic Chinese, viz. “V+yu+IO” and “V+DO+yu+IO” have the same semantic structure by offering several empirical observations to show that this derivation hypothesis is suspicious. Moreover, this paper also demonstrates that even though the two yu-dative constructions make reference to the same conceptual content, their profiles are different. Hence, in accordance with the preliminaries of Cognitive Grammar, “V+yu+IO” and “V+DO+yu+IO” differ semantically. This paper further explores the semantic structure of “V+yu+IO” in Archaic Chinese from both Cognitive Grammar and Semantic Map perspectives. It will be demonstrated that the semantic extensions exhibited by both “V+yu+IO” and “V+DO+yu+IO” constructions occupy different contiguous areas on a single semantic map, which further justifies the idea that the semantic structure of the “V+yu+IO” construction, which is different from that of “V+DO+yu+IO”, assumes an important role in determining its own extensions, which include the comitativeexperiencer, instrumental, passive, and comparative constructions.
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