

題名:An Integrated Peer Review Design in an EFL Basic Writing Class
作者:張淑英 引用關係董綺安 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Shu-yingTung, Chi-an
主題關鍵詞:面對面同儕互評線上同儕互評英語為外語之寫作教學回饋Face-to-face peer reviewComputer-mediated peer reviewEFL writing instructionFeedback
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同儕互評運用在過程導向寫作教學已行之多年,但出現的一些問題卻也削弱了此教學活動的成效,其中最令人詬病的是學生無法以批判性的思考去評量同儕作品。為解決這個問題,本研究結合線上同儕互評與教師引導面對面口頭互評兩要素,形成「整合式同儕互評」的設計,實施於大一英文寫作班。此小規模探索性研究的目的在於探討此「整合式同儕互評」的設計對下列三方面的影響:(1) 學生同儕互評的技能、(2) 學生英文寫作的整體能力及 (3) 學生對此設計的看法。本研究透過前後測、學生反思式日誌及問卷,以驗證研究成效。結果,不論是量化或質化資料皆顯示:融入「整合式同儕互評」於英語為外語之基礎寫作教學對上述三個研究項目皆有正面的影響。
Although peer review has been used in process-oriented writing instruction for years, some problems have been reported to impair the efficacy of such an activity. Among them, the most cited one has been students’ inability to critically evaluate peer writing. To solve the problem, an integrated peer review design, consisting of computer-mediated peer review and teacher-guided face-to-face oral peer review, was experimented in a college freshman English writing class in central Taiwan. The purpose of the small-scale exploratory study was to examine the effects of infusing such a design in EFL basic writing instruction on (1) students’ peer critiquing skills, (2) their overall English writing proficiency, and (3) their perception of this design. Pretests, posttests, reflective journals, and a teacher-designed survey were used as instruments to measure the effects of the design. Both quantitative and qualitative results showed that incorporating the integrated peer review design into EFL basic writing instruction could positively affect students’ peer critiquing skills, their overall English writing proficiency, and their perception of this design.
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