

題名:In Search of the Generic Identity of the Discussion Section: Three Engineering Sub-disciplines
書刊名:Taiwan International ESP Journal
作者:Kanoksilapatham, Budsaba
主題關鍵詞:Civil engineeringSoftware engineeringBiomedical engineeringAcademic writingDiscussion sectionLinguistic features
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Given the adoption of the policy ‘publish or perish’ in academia, scholars are compelled to be actively involved in research work and subsequently disseminate their discoveries in an international forum. In an attempt to enhance the opportunities for successful international publication, this study has the objective of scrutinizing the discussion section texts of research articles (RAs) in three engineering sub-disciplines: civil, software, and biomedical engineering. Two central questions are addressed in this study: 1) What is the generic identity of the discussion section in each of the three sub-disciplines? and 2) What textual features potentially differentiate one sub-discipline from the others? Three datasets of 92 stand-alone discussion sections randomly selected from RAs published in the top five journals of the three sub-disciplines were compiled and subsequently analyzed using genre analysis. To address the first objective, methodically, the generic structure obtained for each sub-discipline reveals what ‘moves’ and ‘steps’ were commonly used and how frequently these moves were used in each sub-discipline. At this juncture, the linguistic features used to express each move were highlighted. To address the second objective, the frequencies of occurrence of each move and step were statistically calculated to identify significant differences across the three datasets. The analysis of the section shows that the three sub-disciplines share a common set of three moves, with variations distinctly observed at the step level. This study provides the detailed textual description of the engineering discussion sections in each of the three sub-disciplines. The findings have substantial pedagogical implications for English language teaching in general and for ESP education in particular. This study is also beneficial in preparing scholars and engineering practitioners with the generic expectations of each sub-discipline and meanwhile boosting the visibility of non-English speaking researchers in an international forum.
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1. Book Review: Review of Alex Boulton, Shirley Carter-Thomas & Elizabeth Rowley-Jolivet (Eds.), «Corpus-Informed Research and Learning in ESP Issues and Applications» (John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2012)
2. Book Review: Review of Paltridge, B. & Statfield, S.(Eds.), «The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes» (Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2013)
3. Teaching Remedial Grammar through Data-Driven Learning Using AntPConc
4. A Comparative Study of Thematic Progressions in Professional and Popularized Legal Texts
5. An ESP Approach to Course and Material Design for the Students of Agriculture
6. A Disciplinary Study of Lexical Bundles: The Case of Native versus Non-Native Corpora
7. Book Review: Flowerdew, Lynne, «Corpora and Language Education» (London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
8. Book Review: Lu, Peih-ying and Corbett, John, «English in Medical Education: An Intercultural Approach to Teaching Language and Values» (Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2012)
9. 'Why Choose Us?' Texts in University Websites: A Genre Analysis
10. ESP Teachers' Perceptions of Business English Courses
11. Students' Acceptance and Perspectives of PowerPoint Presentations as Learning Tools in the Iranian English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Context
12. Book Review: Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido, Juan C. Palmer-Silveira & Immaculada Fortanet-Gómez, «English for Professional and Academic Purposes» (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010)
13. Book Review: Do Coyle, Philip Hood & David Marsh, «CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning» (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010)
14. A Genre-based Approach to Japanese-to-English Translation for a Professional Training Course
15. The Effect of Explicit Instruction in Formulaic Sequences on Academic Speech Fluency
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