

作者:黃新福 引用關係黃鋐斌
作者(外文):Huang, Hsin-fuHuang, Hung-pin
主題關鍵詞:不當督導工作壓力工作倦怠Offensive supervisionJob stressBurnout
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Proper supervision and management in the armed forces is an art. The key is superior's experience and learning motivates; however, this is not a simple issue. In the recent years, the ROC Ministry of National Defense (MND) focuses on the military reform, the recruiting policy, and the welfare. By all those efforts, the MND wishes more talented people could join the military, stay longer and strengthen the national hard power. Last year (2013), the ROC Army suffered the incident of soldier's death. The incident gives us a great lesson. The superior's management should be fully transparent, humane, and issued by the code of conduct. Therefore, the way of supervisions gradually becomes a significant issue. This thesis intends to find the result as following: (1) Burnout dimensions of "emotional exhaustion" in the service squadron; (2) The positive correlation between Abusive supervision and pressure; (3) The positive correlation between stress and burnout; (4) The positive correlation between improper supervision and burnout; (5) subordinate's stress has a significant mediating effect. In this thesis, 250 questionnaires were distributed and all of them are valid. The data is analyzed by The SPSS. This thesis found the following results: (1) In attitude aspect, service is better than command; (2) Establish the communication channels and reverse stereotypes; (3) Control personal emotions, create a harmonious atmosphere; (4) follow the current trend of culture, strengthen the character education; (5)Optimize the working environment to enhance the centripetal forces; (6) Encourage self studies, strengthening the vocational training; (7) Develop self-coping skills; (8) Create the solid leave system and sports atmosphere; (9) Strengthen the leadership and diminish the potential problems.
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1. 員工工作壓力、工作倦怠、離職傾向之研究--以情緒勞動為干擾變數
2. 精明的籌謀,還是美麗的假象?探討主管不當督導、部屬知覺領導效能及主管導向公民行為之關係:主管政治技巧與外表吸引力的干擾效果
3. 「生命相伴」與「按表操課」間的擺盪:長照機構照顧服務員的情緒勞動初探
4. 被不當督導是我的問題嗎?從歸因觀點談主管不當督導的建設性效應
5. 中醫診所形象對病患忠誠度的影響--知覺價值的中介作用
6. 不可承受之重:支持同婚態度對自我資源耗竭、心理困擾之影響
7. 轉換型領導、交易型領導、倫理氣候與情緒智力對房屋仲介經紀人員工作績效之影響--以信任管理者為中介變數
8. 工作便利?還是工作壓力?教師下班後即時通訊軟體公務使用情形與工作倦怠之關係--以教師工作價值觀為調節變項
9. 疫情期間警察人員工作倦怠、自我成就與工作滿意之調查
10. 社區照顧關懷據點服務志工情緒勞務的前置因素與其結果關連性之研究
11. 餐旅實習學生的工作壓力、壓力因應策略及工作倦怠的關係
12. 工作價值觀調節員工之工作壓力、職業倦怠與服務品質之相關研究--以國際觀光旅館為例
13. 公部門住宅業務人員工作壓力關聯因素之探索
14. 百貨公司專櫃人員工作壓力、情緒勞務與工作倦怠之探討
15. 揮之不去:以反芻思考認知的觀點連結不當督導與部屬長期負向情感狀態
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