

作者(外文):Omuka, ToshiharuTsai, Chia-chiu
主題關鍵詞:日本雲岡石窟長谷川三郎觀光1930年代JapanYungang GrottoesHasegawa SaburoTourism1930s
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The Japanese army issued a preservation order of the Yungang Grottoes near Datong in September 1937 within a few months after the Second Sino-Japanese War began in July. Subsequently, conservation of and researches on the monument started under the aegis of the Japanese. In the first months, transportation to the site was limited but gradually improved as the Grottoes became a tourist destination. Japanese artists came to the Grottoes one after another since the early stage of the occupation and depicted the site with brush, camera, and pen to publish their works after returning home; meanwhile, those works accentuated the role of the on-site Japanese army in charge of the preservation of the Grottoes. Since the mid-1910s, the Yungang Grottoes was frequently reproduced in luxurious art books such as "Toyo bijutsu taikan" (Corpus of Oriental Art) for experts by the Shinbi Shoin publishing house. After the Great Kanto Earthquake, the Grottoes became more widely known as a world's classic monument through popular mass-produced publications such as "Sekai bijutsu zenshu" (World Art Collection) by the Heibonsha publishing house. Hasegawa Saburo was one of those visitors to the Grottoes on his journey to North China and Manchukuo. As a major advocate of abstract art with a wide appreciation of art of all ages and cultures, Hasegawa saw this classic site with not a brush but a camera in hand in September 1938. Photographs and texts that were published immediately after he returned home and a series of photographs called "Kyodoshi" (local history) that he took since 1939 shed light on Hasegawa Saburo's serious attempts to seek for his identity as a painter and as an artist under the unstable political situation of the late 1930s in Japan.
1.小島一谿(1939)。北支漫遊記(其ノニ)。エッチング,83,1384-1385。  延伸查詢new window
2.川島理一郎(1938)。北京見たり聞いたり。文芸春秋現地報告,時局増刊10,108-113。  延伸查詢new window
3.小野勝年、日比野丈夫(1941)。大同石仏寺の保存に就いて。美術研究,109,1-14。  延伸查詢new window
4.川端龍子(1938)。蒙彊雑記。塔影,14(7),8-12。  延伸查詢new window
5.五十殿利治(2007)。日中戦争期における雲岡石窟と日本人美術家(1)柳瀬正夢と長谷川三郎を中心に。芸術研究報,28,31-42。  延伸查詢new window
6.五十殿利治(2008)。日中戦争期における雲岡石窟と日本人美術家(2)柳瀬正夢と長谷川三郎を中心に。芸術研究報,29,35-45。  延伸查詢new window
7.水平讓(1939)。大同の石仏。みづ系,409,188-199。  延伸查詢new window
8.中島清(1939)。旅鞋断片。エッチング,78,1267-1268。  延伸查詢new window
9.水野清一(1940)。大同石仏問答。北支,9,34-35。  延伸查詢new window
10.向井潤吉(1938)。大同三日記。美之国,14(1),12-15。  延伸查詢new window
11.吉岡堅二(1939)。北支断片。美之国,15(2),15-18。  延伸查詢new window
12.阿部芳文(展也)(1940)。雲岡の石仏。フォトタイムス,17(2),39-41。  延伸查詢new window
13.長谷川三郎(1939)。愚語大同の写真と一緒に。美之国,15(2),49-50。  延伸查詢new window
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15.長谷川三郎(1939)。角度蒙彊カメラ素描。中央公論,21(2),114-121。  延伸查詢new window
16.長谷川三郎(1939)。《原始写真》その他。みづ系,410,343-344。  延伸查詢new window
17.長谷川三郎(1939)。世界の古典(六)大同雲崗の石仏。阿々土,25,16-17。  延伸查詢new window
18.長谷川三郎(195108)。手紙瑛九さんへ。みづ系,552,32。  延伸查詢new window
19.長谷川春子(1938)。東漸の道(続)。アトリエ,15(7),36-38。  延伸查詢new window
20.服部正一郎(1939)。雲岡石仏。美之国,15(10),46-49。  延伸查詢new window
21.河崎晃一(2009)。再考--長谷川三郎。兵庫県立美術館紀要,3,18-31。  延伸查詢new window
22.柳瀬正夢(1939)。雲岡鎮の三日一大同石仏寺案内。中央公論,54(3),362-371。  延伸查詢new window
23.柳瀬正夢(1939)。石仏恋信一雲岡の石仏に学ぶ。北支,4,46。  延伸查詢new window
24.荒井寬方(1937)。北支那の石仏。塔影,13(7),2。  延伸查詢new window
25.真道黎明(1941)。大同石仏の構想。現地報告,9(4),44-45。  延伸查詢new window
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27.藤田嗣治(1938)。支那へ、支那へ。塔影,14(2),12-14。  延伸查詢new window
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