

題名:Print Advertising Effects of Product Involvement and Message Strategy on the Different Cognitive Styles and Thinking Style of the Elderly
作者:余淑吟 引用關係
作者(外文):Yu, Shu-yin
主題關鍵詞:高齡者廣告效果認知風格訊息策略產品涉入度Advertising effectCognitive styleThinking styleMessage strategyProduct involvement
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Information content is one of the important factors of advertising strategy. Effective information use directly affects the effect of advertising communication. After the decline of cognitive ability, the elderly will develop a differentiated attitude and effect when facing complicated message strategies. The purpose of this study is to investigate how to establish print advertising information for the elderly to improve the effect of marketing communication. The study examines the advertising effects of message strategies, especially message load, message framing and credibility of message source, and product involvement on different cognitive style and thinking style of the elderly. Reliability, ANOVA and logistic regression were used in this study. Part 1 measured the personal cognitive types included cognitive study and thinking style (information processing style). Part 2 was the survey on print advertising effect of different product involvements and message strategies. A total of 150 elderly over the age of 65 participated in the experience, featuring the four types included Type 1 (visualize-rational), Type 2 (visualize-intuitive), Type 3 (verbalizer-rational) and Type 4 (verbalizer-intuitive) by the categories of cognitive style and thinking style. The results revealed that Type 1 (visualizer-rational) and Type 2 (visualizer-intuitive) are more likely to be manipulated by message strategies, especially the advertisement with low product involvement. Type 3 (verbalizer-rational) is most unlikely to be manipulated by message strategies. During the communication with the elderly, the message strategy of advertisement with high product involvement should mainly be middle message load, negative information and a spokesperson with low credibility. In addition, the message strategy of advertisement with low product involvement should also mainly be middle message load. However, to achieve better advertising effect, positive message, negative message and a spokesperson with high credibility can be used in the advertising strategy.
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