

作者:徐忠誠 引用關係林珈如李權晃趙金芳
作者(外文):Hsu, Chung-chengLin, Chia-juLi, Cyuan-huangChao, Chin-fang
主題關鍵詞:股票型基金績效持續性Equity mutual fundPerformance persistence
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Employing previous performance of mutual funds to estimate their future performance for investors depends on performance persistence. This study is to investigate whether return on equity mutual funds in Taiwan securities market shows persistence. Using these measures of return on investment, standard deviation, Sharpe index, Jensen's α, Treynor index, and information ratio, this study divides ten-year sample into two subsamples and applies structural equation modeling to examine performance persistence of equity mutual funds. The results suggest that return on equity mutual funds in Taiwan securities market seems to be persistent.
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