

作者:黃琬婷陳美華 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Wan-tingChen, Mei-hwa
主題關鍵詞:羽球運動運動年齡運動頻率BadmintonExercise-ageExercise frequency
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目的:探討不同性別、年齡層、運動年齡、教育程度的成年人之健身運動參與動機、運動參與行為和運動自我效能的差異性及其關係。方法:以在大台中都會區之東原羽球館、松竹羽球館之球館會員,年齡範圍為18歲至60歲之成人為研究對象,有效問卷255份,平均年齡約27.66 ± 10.74歲。使用工具包括「運動參與動機量表」、「健身運動自我效能量表」及「運動參與行為」,統計分析首先以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析不同性別、年齡層、運動年齡及教育程度在參與動機、自我效能及運動參與行為的差異情形。接著再使用階層線性迴歸分析不同性別、年齡層、運動年齡、參與動機及運動自我效能對於運動行為之預測情形。結果:運動年齡5年以上者在運動自我效能及運動參與行為顯著高於5年以下者,專科以下者在參與動機運動自我效能及運動參與行為上皆高於大學以上者,21-30歲組在運動參與動機上得分最高,41歲組在自我效能上得分最高,31-40歲組則在運動參與行為上得分最高。在運動行為預測方面,控制年齡、運動年齡及教育程度後,運動自我效能、動機-壓力管理能夠顯著預測運動參與行為,其中以運動自我效能的預測力最高。結論:運動年齡、運動自我效能與動機-壓力/情緒管理可預測成年人運動行為。
Purpose: To explore the difference and relationship among gender, age, exercise-age and education level in adult exercise motivation, participate behavior and exercise self-efficacy. Methods: The participants consisted of 255 adults (age range = 18~60, mean age = 27.66 ± 10.74) from two Badminton Center in Taichung City (Dong-Yuan Badminton Center and Sung-Chu Badminton Center). The measurements included Exercise Participation Motivation Scale, Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale and exercise behavior. Statistical analysis used independent samples t test and ANOVA analysis to explore the difference between gender, age, exercise-age and education level in exercise participation motivation, exercise participation behavior and exercise self-efficacy. Using hierarchical linear regression analysis to predict exercise behavior by ages, exercise-age, education, exercise motivation and exercise self efficacy. Results: On adult exercise behavior and exercise self-efficacy, their exercise age more than 5 years was better than less 5 years. On adult exercise motivation, exercise behavior and exercise self -efficacy, their education level under college was better than higher university. The 41 year -old group got the best score in exercise self-efficacy. The 21-30 year-old group got the best score in exercise participation motivation. The 31-40 group got the best score in exercise behavior. After controlled age, exercise age and education level, exercise self-efficacy, exercise age and motivation-stress/sentiment management predicted significantly exercise behavior. , in which the highest predictive variable was exercise self-efficacy. Conclusions: Exercise age, exercise self-efficacy and motivation-stress/sentiment management could affect adult exercise participate behavior.
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