

題名:Promoting Connectedness through Developmental Interventions: Adapting the Cross-Age Mentoring Program (CAMP) for Youth in Asia
作者:Karcher, Michael J.Santos, KristiAnna T.
主題關鍵詞:亞洲青少年聯繫感集體主義導師制度Asian youthConnectednessCollectivismMentoring
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在美國,青少年正面發展計劃的冒起反映出服務的重點已由尋找病理轉為發展潛能。對這種轉變,輔導界是認同的。然而,對於美國的青少年正面發展計劃是否同樣有益於亞洲社會如中國、韓國和台灣,從未有任何評估考慮過集體主義、個人主義和關係主義世界觀的因素。本文描述一項高度結構化的發展性導師計劃──跨年齡導師計劃(Cross-Age Mentoring Program,簡稱CAMP),並指出它能增進參與導師和受導者的聯繫感。文章並以問題行為理論,探討CAMP對符合社會規範的聯繫感的促進作用會否同樣在集體主義或關係主義的社會中出現,以及在該等社會推展CAMP能否得出最佳、最有效的結果。
The growth of positive youth development (PYD) programs in the United States (U.S.) reflects a shift from a focus on pathology to potential, which is a change welcomed by the counseling field. However, the roles of collectivist, individualist, and relational worldviews have not yet been factored into any assessments of whether PYD programs in the U.S. may be equally useful or necessary in Asian societies like China, Korea, and Taiwan. This article describes the Cross-Age Mentoring Program (CAMP), a highly structured, developmental mentoring program for adolescents and youth, and reports the changes in adolescent connectedness it effects among participating mentees and mentors. Problem-behavior theory is used to consider whether the changes CAMP fosters in conventional connectedness would occur in more collectivistic or relational societies and whether such changes would be the best, most useful and primary outcomes of CAMPs implemented in those countries.
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