

作者:謝佳叡 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsieh, Chia-jui
主題關鍵詞:學生參與數學教學概念心像數學實習教師Student engagementConcept image for mathematics teachingMathematics intern teacher
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While observing teachers working, we found that they must make numerous decisions in managing the teaching situations that can occur within only a few moments. Based on the concept image for mathematics teaching (CIMT), this study investigated the bases on which secondary school intern teachers of mathematics in Taiwan choose certain strategies when engaging in teaching tasks, and examined the cognitive structure of the responses. This paper addresses student engagement in the mathematics classroom and the type of CIMT that is evoked when mathematics intern teachers engage in tasks related to mathematics instruction. We found that (a) through various teaching concepts, most intern teachers seldom spontaneously evoke the concept images of student engagement; (b) most intern teachers lay particular stress on students’ emotional engagement and their connection between the curriculum and real-life experience; and (c) in practical teaching situations, intern teachers emphasize emotional engagement when introducing a new concept, but emphasize behavioral engagement when students do not concentrate in class. This study also established that most intern teachers who evoke the image of student engagement generally evoke the image of student affection and the image of teaching methods at the same time.
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