

作者(外文):Chiang, Shu-chuanJhuang, Jia-ciWang, Shu-huiLiu, Pao-ling
主題關鍵詞:海洋弧菌感染壞死性筋膜炎身體心像紊亂Vibrio vulnificus infectionNecrotizing fasciitisBody image disturbance
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This article describes the nursing experience of caring for a 67-year-old female who was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis in her right second and third fingers caused by vibrio vulnificus infection after an accidental stabbing wound from a crab. She later received a finger amputation. During the nursing period (September 25, 2013 to October 5, 2013), Gordon's 11-item functional health patterns were employed, and information was collected through observations, listening, interviews, direct nursing, physical assessments, and medical history review. The primary care issues included impaired tissue integrity, acute pain, and body image disturbance. We provided individualized nursing care plans and methods to address these problems. Her pain was relieved through deep breathing and distraction. A positive nurse-patient relationship was established through active concern, empathy, and listening, leading the patient to accept her body image change. These measures helped the patient return to her normal daily life. We hope that sharing this nursing experience can benefit our nursing colleagues in similar cases in the future.
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