

作者(外文):Peng, Ting-kuo
主題關鍵詞:文化觀光資料探勘旅遊行程Cultural tourismData miningTourism planning
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Good cultural activities incorporated with the local tourism resources can make sightseeing colorful. Based on the diamond theory proposed by Porter, this study establishes the key factors of culture tourism for the National Taichung Theater. The results of the investigation showed the following: respondents put more emphasis on the factors of production, related industries support and demands, but also agree that tourism planning should be combined other attractions. On the other hand, this study applies data mining techniques to identify three main attractions from the Taichung Tourism Bureau's seventy-seven highlighted attractions: Feng-Chia Night Market, Hsinshe Flower Sea Festival, and Asia Museum of Modern Art. By planning the tours, not only will the National Taichung Theater be promoted, but also the economic activities will be boosted. The tours will include multi-dimensional activities of art, humanities, and the local economy.
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