

作者(外文):Lai, Yu-chinChiu, Yi-chenWei, Bih-meiHsu, Wen-chuin
主題關鍵詞:周全性老年評估輕度認知功能障礙多重慢性疾病Comprehensive geriatric assessmentMild cognitive impairmentMultiple chronic diseases
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本報告運用周全性老年評估(Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment, CGA),描述照護一位輕度認知功能障礙合併多重慢性疾病個案之護理經驗,筆者於2015年9月16日至2016年1月13日護理期間,藉由觀察、訪談、傾聽、家庭訪視等方式,確認個案護理問題包括:(1)慢性病自我管理不當,藥物遵從性差;(2)營養高於所需;(3)社交活動減少,危險性跌倒風險增加,並提供適當之護理措施,使個案能維持基本日常生活及活動功能,預防及減緩衰弱情形的發生。
This case report described an application of comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) on a mild cognitive impaired case with multiple chronic diseases. The author provided nursing care and gathered information by observation, interview, listening, and home visiting from September 16, 2015 to January 13, 2016. Based on CGA, the author identified patient's health problems as follows: (1) chronic disease self-management deficit and poor medication adherence; (2) nutrition imbalance due to excessive intake more than body requirement; (3) reduced social activities, and increased the risk of falling. The author provided appropriate nursing interventions to patient and helped to keep his basic activities of daily living and functional ability, then prevented and reduced the level of frailty.
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