

題名:Making Things Physical
書刊名:Journal of Futures Studies
作者:Kuzmanovic, MajaAuer, TinaGaffney, NikBoykett, Tim
主題關鍵詞:Experiential futuresImmersionFuturecraftingPhysical narratives
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1.Chermack, T. J.、Lynham, S. A.、Ruona, W. E. A.(2001)。A review of scenario planning literature。Futures Research Quarterly,17(2),7-31。  new window
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4.Slaughter, Richard A.(2008)。Integral futures methodologies。Futures,40(2),103-108。  new window
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10.Floyd, J.、Burns, A.、Ramos, J.(2008)。A challenging conversation on integral futures: Embodied foresight and trialogues。Journal of Futures Studies,13,69-86。  new window
11.Kuzmanovic, M.、Gaffney, N.(2017)。Enacting futures in postnormal times。Futures,86,107-117。  new window
12.Montouri, A.(2011)。Beyond postnormal times: The future of creativity and the creativity of the future。Futures,43(2),221-227。  new window
13.Miller, R.(2015)。Learning, the future, and complexity: An essay on the emergence of futures literacy。European Journal of Education,50(4),513-523。  new window
14.Selin, C.、Kimbell, L.、Ramirez, R.、Bhatti, Y.(2015)。Scenarios and design: Scoping the dialogue space。Futures,74,4-17。  new window
15.Inayatullah, Sohail(2006)。Anticipatory action learning: Theory and practice。Futures,38(6),656-666。  new window
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1.Kuzmanovic, M.、Gaffney, N.(2008)。Cursory speculations on HPI。ISEA 2008。  new window
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7.Gaffney, N.、Morton, T.、Kuzmanovic, M.(2016)。Stillness。Ghent:MER. Paper Kunsthalle。  new window
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1.Raford, N.(2012)。From design fiction to experiential futures。The future of futures。Houston, TX:Association of Professional Futurists。  new window
2.Gaffney, N.、Howse, M.(2013)。Approaching the inexplicable。PARN: Physical and alternate reality narratives。Linz:Time's Up。  new window
3.Ramos, J. M.(2005)。Action research as foresight methodology。The Knowledge Base of Futures Studies。Indooroopilly:Foresight International。  new window
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