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1.Baumol, William J.(1972)。On taxation and the control of externalities。American Economic Review,62(3),307-322。  new window
2.Markusen, James R.(1975)。International Externalities and Optimal Tax Structures。Journal of International Economics,5(1),15-29。  new window
3.Buchanan, J. M.(1969)。External Diseconomies, Corrective Taxes and Market Structure。American Economic Review,59(1),174-177。  new window
4.de Villiers Graaff, J.(1949)。On Optimum Tariff Structures。The Review of Economic Studies,17(1),47-59。  new window
5.Horwell, D. J.、Pearce, I. F.(1970)。A Look at the Structure of Optimal Tariff Rates。International Economic Review,11(1),147-161。  new window
6.Batra, R. N.(1973)。Nontraded Goods, Factor Market Distortions, and the Gains from Trade。American Economic Review,63(4),706-713。  new window
7.Komiya, R.(1967)。Non-Traded Goods and the Pure Theory of International Trade。International Economic Review,8,132-152。  new window
8.Bhagwati, Jagdish N.、Ramaswami, Vangal K.(1963)。Domestic Distortions, Tariffs and the Theory of Optimum Subsidy。Journal of Political Economy,71(1),44-50。  new window
9.Bhagwati, J.、Ramaswami, V. K.、Srinivasan, T. N.(1969)。Domestic Distortions, Tariffs and the Theory of Optimum Subsidy: Some Further Results。Journal of Political Economy,77,1005-1010。  new window
10.Williams, A.(1966)。The Optimal Provision of Public goods in a System of Local Government。Journal of Political Economy,74(1),18-33。  new window
11.Lipsey, R. G.、Lancaster, K. J.(1956)。The General Theory of Second Best。The Review of Economic Studies,24(1),11-32。  new window
12.Diamond, Peter A.、Mirrlees, James A.(1973)。Aggregate production with consumption externalities。Quarterly Journal of Economics,87,1-24。  new window
13.Bhagwati, J.、Ramaswami, V. K.(1963)。Domestic distortions, tariff, and the theory of optimum subsidy。Journal of Political Economy,71,44-50。  new window
14.Bhagwati, J.、Srinivasan, T. N.(1969)。Optimal intervention to achieve non-economic objectives。The Review of Economic Studies,36,27-38。  new window
15.Connally, M.(1973)。Trade in public goods: A diagrammatic analysis。Quarterly Journal of Political Economy,342,61-78。  new window
16.Connally, M.(1970)。Public, goods externalities, and international relations。Journal of Political Economy,78,279-290。  new window
17.Corden, W. M.(1957)。Tariffs, subsidies and the Terms of Trade。Economica,24,235-242。  new window
18.Davis, O. A.、Whinston, A. B.(1965)。Welfare economics and the theory of the second best。The Review of Economic Studies,32,1-14。  new window
19.Dornbusch, R.(1971)。Optimal commodity and trade taxes。Journal of political Economy,79,1360-1368。  new window
20.Kemp, M. C.、Negishi, T.(1969)。Domestic distortions, tariffs and theory of the optimum subsidy。Journal of political Economy,77,1011-1013。  new window
21.Kruegel, A. O.、Sonnenschien, H.(1967)。The Terms of Trade, The Gains from Trade and and price Divergence。International Economic Review,8。  new window
22.Vandendorpe, A. L.(1972)。Optimal tax structure in model with traded and non-traded goods。The Journal of International Economics,2(3),235-256。  new window
23.Plott, C. R.(1966)。Externalities and Corrective Taxes。Economica,33(129),84-87。  new window
24.Meade, James E.(1952)。External Economies and Diseconomies in a Competitive Situation。The Economic Journal,62(245),54-67。  new window
1.Corden, W. Max(1974)。Trade Policy and Economic Welfare。Oxford:Clarendon Press。  new window
2.Kemp, M. C.(1969)。The Pure Theory of International Trade and Investment。Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall。  new window
3.Bhagwati, J.(1968)。The Theory and practice Commercial policy。Princeton University。  new window
1.Bhagwati, Jagdish N.(1971)。The Generalized Theory of Distortions and Welfare。Trade, Balance of Payments and Growth: Papers in International Economics in Honor of Charles P. Kindleberger。Amsterdam:North-Holland。  new window
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