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1.Fontaine, Andre(1971)。What is French Policy?。Foreign Affairs,49(3),70-74。  new window
2.Hoag, Malcolm W.(1963)。Nuclear Policy and French Intransigence。Foreign Affairs,41(2),286-298。  new window
3.Pierre, Andrew J.(1971)。Nuclear Diplomacy: Britain, France and America。Foreign Affairs,49(2),283-301。  new window
4.Debre, Michel(1971)。France Global Strategy。Foreign Affairs,49(3),395-406。  new window
5.Sommer, Theo(1964)。For An Atlantic Europe。Foreign Affairs,43(1),112-125。  new window
6.Allert, General Charles(1956)。De L'Euratam Au Programme Atomique Nationale。Revue Défense Nationale。  new window
7.de Rose, Francois(1963)。Atlantic Relationships And Nuclear Problems。Foreign Affairs,41(3),479-490。  new window
8.Von Kassel, Kai-Uwe(1965)。Organizing Western Defense。Foreign Affairs,43(2),209-216。  new window
9.Buchan, Alastais(1965)。The Changed Setting of the Atlantic Debate。Foreign Affairs,43(4),574-586。  new window
10.Kahv, Herman、Pfaff, William(1966)。Our Alternatives in Europe。Foreign Affairs,44(4),591-592。  new window
11.Schumann, Maurice(1962)。France And Germany In The New Europe。Foreign Affairs,41(1)。  new window
1.Korbel, Josef(1972)。Detente in Europe: Real or Imaginary?。New Jersy:Princeton University Press。  new window
2.Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr.(1965)。A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House。Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company。  new window
3.Perkins, Dexter(1967)。The Diplomacy of a New Age。Bloomington:Indiana University Press。  new window
4.Kissinger, Henry A.(1969)。Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy。New York:W.W. Norton & Company, Inc。  new window
5.Bemis, Sammel F.(1970)。The American Secretaries of State And Their Diplomacy。New York:Cooper Square Publishers, Inc。  new window
6.Kolodziej, Edward A.(1974)。French International Policy Under De Gaulle And Pompidou: The Politics of grandeur。Ithaca:Cornell University Press。  new window
7.Pierre, Andrew J.(1972)。Nuclear Politics。New York:Oxford University Press。  new window
8.Wells, Samuel F. Jr.(1973)。The Ordeal of World Power: American Diplomacy Since 1900。Boston:Little, Brown and Company。  new window
9.Sumler, David E.(1973)。A History of Europe in The Twentieth Century。Illionois Homewood:The Dorsey Press。  new window
10.Schoehbrun, David(1966)。The Three Lives of Charles De Gaulle。New York:Atheneum。  new window
11.Carmoy, Guy(1967)。Les Poltlques Etrangeres De La France, 1944-1966。Paris:Ebitions De La Table。  new window
12.Grosser, Alfred(1965)。French Foreign Policy Under De Gaulle。Boston:Little, Brown and Company。  new window
13.Massip, Roger(1963)。De Gaulle et l'Europe。Paris。  new window
14.Watt, D. C.、Mayall, James、Navari, Corneia(1973)。Documents On International Affairs。Oxford:University Press。  new window
15.Clougk, Shepard B.、Rapp, Richard T.(1968)。European Economic History: The Economic Development of Western Civilization。New York:Mcgraw-Hill Book Company。  new window
16.施顯謀(1973)。歐洲共同市場。台北:台灣商務印書館。  延伸查詢new window
17.Brunn, Geoffrey、Mamatey, Victor S.(1967)。The World In The Twentieth Century。Boston:D.C. Heath and Company。  new window
18.Barker, Elizabeth(1972)。The Cold War。London:Wayland Publishers。  new window
19.Northedge, F. S.(1968)。The Foreign Policies of The Powers。London:Faber and Faber。  new window
20.Serfaty, Simon(1968)。Franee, De Gaulle, and Europe: The Policy of the Fourth and Fifth Republics toward the Continent。Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
21.Korbel, Josef。Detente in Europe: Real or Imaginary?。Princeton:Princeton University Press。  new window
22.Lerner, Daniel、Gorden, Morton(1969)。Euratlantica: Changing Perspectives of The European Elites。Cambridge:The M.I.T. Press。  new window
1.Harsch, Joseph C.(19690802)。Nixon Turns Foreign Policy Page。  new window
1.Johnston, Whittle(1970)。Security and American Diplomacy。American's World Role in The 70's。Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall, Inc.。  new window
2.Freymond, Jacques(1967)。A Striving Toward Self-Awareness。Interpreting European History II: From Metternich to The Present。Illionis Homewood:The Dorsey Press。  new window
3.Camps, Miriam(1970)。What Kind of Europe。The International Politics of Regions: A Comparative Approach。Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall, Inc。  new window
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