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中山高速公路自完工通車以來,對臺灣地區經濟繁榮,促進區域均衡發展,效益顯著,頗受各方肯定。由於各地在設立交流道後,有利於地區民衆快速而方便的使用高速公路,因此高速公路沿線地區不斷有增設交流道的陳情與要求,加上高速公路通車已超過十年,由於經濟繁榮與地區發展之關係,運輸需求不斷提高,使部分地區確有增設交流道之必要,但基於安全、效率以及經費之考量,交流道勢不能隨意增設。 為了建立一套客觀的評估準則供評量各地區是否適宜增設交流道,本研究乃應用系統分析方法,參酌各地申請增設交流道之原因與意見、民衆對現有及未來增設交流道之意見、現有交流道設置之構想與考慮而歸納出增設交流道之準則。準則分為兩類,一類為必要準則,包括:連絡道路設施、交流道之間距、預定設置位置之條件限制等三項,必須符合始有可能增設。二為充分準則,包括:交流道之間距、中長程交通需求、生活圈大小、高速公路之服務水準、重大建設計劃、工業發展、及觀光發展等七項,採用加權評估法,其中各準則得點情形乃依據現有交流道之特性與設置條件而得,權重則由交通方面專家學者決定。利用本研究之準則與評估模式測試現有高速公路交流道合適性,其結果尚稱允當可用。
Since the N-S Freeway was opened to the traffic, it has made a great contribution to the economic and uniform development of regions in Taiwan. Most people affirm these contributions and admire them. In order for a freeway to be useful and convenient for the people who live near it, it is necessary to have coordinating interchanges. They provide accessibility to the adjacent land use. For this reason, some people request to add more interchanges. From the demand side, they may be useful and needed. However from viewpoints of safety, efficient, mobility and costs, the number of interchanges must be limited. The problem to be faced is how to make decision whether a new interchange is added or not. This paper is aimed to use a system analysis approach to consider the reasons for adding new interchanges and to review on the existing interchanges. Some criteria may be derived. It is found that there are two types of criteria. The first, criteria for assessing whether a location is suitable for adding a new interchange are called necessary criteria. They are connecting road, interval between two adjacent interchanges, locational conditions. The second, the other seven are called sufficient criteria. They are interval between two adjacent interchanges, mid and long distance traffic demand, size of settlements, freeway level of service, big development projects, industrial development, tourist development. Using weighting evaluation approach, the weights of criteria were discussed, and made by professionals and scholars. The results are able to reach reasonable decision on whether a new interchange is to be added or not.
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