

作者:陳俊豪 引用關係
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一般人知道運動的好處,但是能下決心規律運動的人卻不多。 有參考多篇國外有關運動行為的研究配合行為改變的三個階段,提供適合的策略供參考。 第一階段 喚醒/認識:傳達訊息,引發運動動機 第二階段 作決定/開始:開始運動,可配合使用目標設定、作決定等技巧 第三階段 維持:使運動成為生活方式的一部分。配合自我管理、自我監督、畫面同意書、社會支持等策略
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2.Kingery, P. M.(1990)。Self-efficacy and the self-monitoring of selected exercise and eating behaviors of college students。Health Education,21(1),26-29。  new window
3.Pollock, M. L.、Gettman, L. R.、Milesis, C. A.、Bah, M. D.、Durstine, J. L.、Johnson, R. B.(1977)。Effects of frequency and duration of training on attrition and incidence of injury。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,9,31-36。  new window
4.李蘭(19930600)。運動行為改變理論。國民體育季刊,22(2)=97,32-38。  延伸查詢new window
5.Wysocki, T.、Hall, G.、Iwata, B.、Riordan, M.(1979)。Behavioral management of exercise contracting for aerobic points。Journal of Applied Behavior Analytsis,12,55-64。  new window
6.Franklin, W. P.(1978)。Adherence patterns of health men and women enrolled in an adult exercise program。J. Cardiac Rehabil,4,143-152。  new window
7.Oldridge, N. B.(1982)。Compliance and exercise in primary and secondary prevention of cornary heat diease: a review。Prev. Med,11,56-90。  new window
8.Wankel, L. M.(1980)。Decision-making and social-support strategies for increasing exercise involvement。J. Cardiac Rehabil,4,124-135。  new window
9.Moffatt, R. J.、Stamford, B. A.、Neill, R. D.(1979)。Placement of tri-weekly training sections: Importance regarding enhancement of aerobic capacity。Research Quarterly,48(3),583-591。  new window
10.Bandura, Albert(1977)。Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change。Psychological Review,84(2),191-215。  new window
1.許天威。行為改變理論與應用。復文圖書出版社。  延伸查詢new window
2.廖克玲(1982)。社會學習理論巨匠--班都拉。允晨文化實業公司。  延伸查詢new window
3.Debacker, F. J.、Greendorfer, S. L.(1980)。Shaping the female athlete: the impact of the family。Champaign, IL:Human kinetics Publishers。  new window
4.Jettle, B.(1980)。Sports and social systems。Philadelphia, PA:W. B. Saunders and Company, Inc.。  new window
5.Paffenbarger, H.(1978)。Psychology of running。Champaign, IL:Human kinetics Publishers。  new window
1.Dishman, R. K.(1990)。Determinants of participation in physical activity。Exercise, fitness and health. A consensus of current knowledge。Champaign, IL:Human Kinetics。  new window
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