

作者:王國樑 引用關係
作者(外文):Wang, Kuo-liang
主題關鍵詞:進口競爭內銷價格成本差異比內銷市場產業集中度Import competitionDomestic price-cost marginDomestic concentration
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     透過一開放經濟體系寡占模型的建立與推導,以民國 76-80 年臺灣中游石化業 資料為依據,用完全訊息最大概似法內內銷 PCM、進口比與內銷市場產業集中度三條聯立方 程式進行估計, 本文發現,內銷市場產業集中度與內銷銷售成長率對內銷 PCM 的影響皆是 正面的,且具有統計顯著性。內銷 PCM、關稅與運輸成本對進口比的影響皆是負的,且具有 1% 統計顯著性;內銷市場產業集中度與成本差異對進口比則有顯著的正面影響。 內銷 PCM 對內銷市場產業集中度的影響顯著為負的,進口比與產能利用率對內銷市場產業集中度具有 顯著正面影響,而市場規模對內銷市場產業集中度則具有負的非線性影響;最後,內銷 PCM 或進口比與內銷市場產業集中度間皆存在顯著直接聯立關係。
     Based on 1987-1991 data of Taiwan's midstream petrochemical industries , and applying the full information maximum likelihood method to a simultaneous equations model of domestic PCM, import ratio and domestic concentration derived from an oligopoly model in a small open economy, this paper finds that domestic PCM is directly and significantly related to domestic concentration and the growth rate of domestic sales. Domestic PCM、 traiffs and transportation costs affect the import ratio adversely at the 1% level of significance, while the latter is positively and significantly related to domestic concentration and cost differentials. Domestic PCM affects domestic concentration adversely at the 5% level of significance, while the latter is positively and significantly correlated with the import ratio and the degree of capacity utilization. Furthermore, domestic concentration has a negative and nonlinear relationship to market size. Finally, there exist directs simultaneous relationships between domestic concentration and domestic PCM or import ratio.
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