

作者(外文):Cheng, Shou-hsiaHo, Yu-hsueh
主題關鍵詞:群體執業開業醫師生產力Group practiceClinic physicianProductivity
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     開業醫師群體執業在國外較為普遍,而過去的研究也顯示群體執業比單獨執業較 有效率。 本研究即在探封國內開業醫師群體執業的狀況並檢視其營運效率。 資料係於民國 85 年以郵寄問卷方式,對全國所有 8666 名開業醫師做調查,回收率為 21,2B6,其中計有 1804 份有效問卷。 樣本中只有 159 位醫師 (佔 8.8%) 所在的診所為群體執業 (至少有兩 位醫師執業 )。本研究初步發現,由醫師群體執業的診所比單獨執業者聘用較多的工作人員 ,而受訪醫師的工作時間較少,且其每日的門珍人太較多。另以複迴歸模型控制醫師個人特 質、診所特性及診所投入變項後發現,採群體執業的開業醫師比單獨執業的醫師有較高的門 診生產力, 平均每天多看 16% 的病人; 但由於樣本中群體執業的醫師過少且為橫斷性資料 ,分析的結果宜保守推論。
     Physician group practice is more popular in industrialized countries than in Taiwan. A number of studies show that group practice tends to be more efficient than solo practice. This study examines current situation of phy- sician group practice and compares physician productivities in solo and group practice settings. Data were obtained from mailing questionnaires to clinic physicians nation-wide in 1996. A total of 1804 subjects with complet- ed information were included in the analysis. Only 159 physicians (8.8%) were in grouppractice settings. Results showed that group practice clinics hired more ancillary person- nel than solo practice; physicians in group prac- tice settings had fewer working-hours per week and had more out-patient visits. After controlling variables of physician characteristics, clinic features and practice inputs in the model, the multiple regression analysis revealed that physicians in group practice settings had higher productivity than the solo ones (with 16% more patients per day). However, due to the nature of cross-sectional data and the low rate of group practice, implications of the findings should be made conservatively. Results from the analysis suggest that group practice is more productive and might be more efficient than solo practice.
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