

作者(外文):Tseng, Ying-fenChen, Yu-junFan, Hui-chenShieh, Sheng-lan
主題關鍵詞:早產兒居家照顧需求母育信心PrematureHome care needsMaternal confidence
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     本研究的目的是探討早產兒母親在準備出院時、出院後一週及出院後一個月等三 個時間序列之居家照顧需求及母育信心程度。於臺灣南部兩家教學醫院方便取樣,以結構式 問卷收集資料,共收集56位早產兒母親為研究對象。問卷內容包括早產兒與母親人口學資料 、早產兒居家照顧需求量表、母育信心量表、壓力知覺量表及社會支持調查表。研究結果顯 示母親在早產兒出院三個時間序列對早產兒居家照顧需求因素之需求程序依序為「觀察及處 理早產兒健康問題之需求」、「瞭解早產兒生長發展之需求」與「提供早產兒日常照顧之需 求」。時間及胎次二因素重複量數多變項變異數分析的結果顯示母親在準備出院時對早產兒 居家照顧知識與技能的需求程度最高,出院後一週次之,出院後一個月最低;初胎母親的照 顧需求程度顯著高於經產母親。另外,母親在準備出院時之母育信心量表得分最低,出院後 一週次之,出院後一個月最高;初胎母親則顯著低於經產的母親。逐步複迴歸分析的結果顯 示母親在準備出院時的早產兒居家照顧需求最佳預測因子分別是胎次與早產兒健康問題;準 備出院時所感受母育信心之最佳預測因子則是胎次、早產兒健康問題與壓力知覺。本研究結 果除可作為臨床擬定早產兒出院衛教計劃之參考,並可作為後續實驗性研究之根據。
     A repeated measurement survey was conducted to examine home care needs and maternalconfidence of mothers of premature infants at discharge, 1 week postdischarge and 1 month postdischarge. Fifty-six mothers from Kaohsiung City area were recruited to participate. Five instruments were used to collect data. the Demographic Data Form, Premature Home Care Needs Scale, Maternal Confidence Questionnaire, the Perceived Stress Scale and the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List. The results indicated that mothers at discharge perceived significantly higher home care needs than mothers at 1 week postdischarge; mothers at 1 month postdischarge perceived the least home care needs among the three times. In addition, it was found that mothers at discharge perceived significantly less confidence than mothers at 1 week postdischarge. Mothers at 1 month postdischarge perceived the highest confidence of the three times. Results of stepwise multiple regression indicated that the best subset to predict the criterion variable of home care needs at discharge period included parity and infant health. The best predictors of maternal confidence at discharge were parity, infant health and maternal perceived stress.
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