

作者:翁永和 引用關係劉碧珍 引用關係丁嘉瑋
作者(外文):Weng, YunghoLiu, Bih JaneDing, Chia-wei
主題關鍵詞:自製率中間財產業扶植技術提升Local content requirementsIntermediate goodsIndustry developmentTechnological efficiency
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     本文主要在探討「自製率政策」是否具有扶植國內中間財產業之發展並提升其生 產技術之功能。當本國只有一家中間財廠商,但面臨其他眾多外國中間財廠商的競爭,而本 國最終財市場為本國與外國最終財廠商雙佔的情況下,本文發現,若與無自製率的情況下相 比較,採用自製率政策的保護,的確具有扶植國內中間財產業發展之功能,且有助於國內中 間財廠商進行生產技術的提升;但自製率的進一步提高,則不一定能促使其進一步扶植並提 升生產技術。此外,在自製率不變下,提高最終財之進口關稅或降低零件進口關稅亦具有扶 植產業並提昇技術的效果。最後,本文也發現同時提高中間財與最終財進口關稅之「雙重保 護」措施的效果是不佳的。
     This paper sets up a theoretical model to examine the economic impacts of local content requirements (LCRs) on the domestic intermediate-goods industry. The results indicate that, compared with the case of free trade, enforciong LCRs not only helps the industry to develop but also encourages it to adopt a more efficient technology. However, imposing higher rates of LCRs may or may not lead to the achievement of these goals depending on the elasticity of LCRs with respect to output. Furthermore, given the rates of LCRs, the imposing of higher tariffs on the final goods or lower tariffs on the intermediate goods can also result in both goals being achieved. Nevertheless, enforcing a policy of "double protection" by raising tariffs on both intermediate and final goods is shown to be ineffective.
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