

題名:Falstaff's Body Politic(S)
作者:蘇子中 引用關係
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     自從佛樂斯台夫在莎士比亞《亨利四世》上下集等劇本現身後,他那碩大肥胖、團團油脂的身體,便立即成為眾所囑目的焦點。觀眾們在欣賞他的機智和幽默的同時,也傾瀉他們對這個古錐滑稽角色的同情、認同與想像。莎翁學者和文學批評家們,則以佛樂斯台夫的身體為場域,以各家言論為武器,進行一波波唇槍舌辯的角力和爭辯。嗜杯中物如命的佛樂斯台夫,則不時的以他那具高度揮發性的言語,發表他那人生即酒店的哲學;並以他那充滿油脂物質性、酒精飽滿的軀體,表演諧擬戲弄那正襟危坐、動不動便訴諸理性的宮廷╱國家╱身體政治與身份認同。他那無法無天盡性揮霍的身體享樂主義,讓標榜節制禁慾的宮廷╱國家╱身體政治,恨的牙癢癢,只曉得用粗暴傲慢的語言和國家機器來污名、醜化、並進而放逐軀離。佛樂斯台夫以他的另類酒店╱國家╱身體政治挑戰亨利四世和五世所代表的宮廷╱國家╱身體政治,踰越、顛覆這樣的機制對身體的訓練、制約和管控。關於這樣的宮廷╱國家╱身體政治,提爾亞(Tillyard)在其著名專書中,《伊利莎白時期的世界圖像》(The Elizabethan World Picture),有精闢的闡釋。 本文的主要目的即在突顯以上兩種不同的國家╱身體政治,探討兩者的互動、預設和差異。論文也將分析佛樂斯台夫國家╱身體政治的建構方式。佛樂斯台夫的身體是劇場化的身體,在角色轉化扮演中諧擬;是嘉年華會化的身體,在嬉笑玩耍中顛覆踰越;是文本化的身體,在文字迷宮中建立迷人的想像空間。 除了巴赫丁( Bakhtin )外,本文將藉重尼采、巴代耶(Bataille)、傅科(Foucault)和德勒茲(Deleuze)等人的理論來詮釋佛樂斯台夫的酒店╱國家╱身體政治。
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2.Barasch, Frances K.(1983)。Definitions: Renaissance and Baroqui, Grotesqui Construction and Deconstruction。Modern Language Studies,13(2),60。  new window
1.Holderness, Graham(1985)。Shakespeare’s History。Budlin。  new window
2.Traub, Valerie(1992)。Desire and Anxiety: Circulations of Sexuality in Shakespearean Drama。Routledge。  new window
3.Foucault, M.(1979)。Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison。New York, NY:Random House。  new window
4.Humphreys, A. R.(1960)。Introduction。The Arden Shakespeare: HenryⅣ , Part Ⅰ。London。  new window
5.Bakhtin, Mikhail M.(1968)。Rebelais and His World。Rebelais and His World。C. I. T. P。  new window
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7.Bataille, Georges(1985)。The Notion of Expenditure。Visions of Excess。Minneapolis。  new window
8.Bevington, David(1987)。The Oxford Shakespeare : HenryⅥ , PartⅠ。The Oxford Shakespeare : HenryⅥ , PartⅠ。Oxford。  new window
9.Deleuze, Gilles、Guattari, Félix(1198)。A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia。A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia。Minneapolis。  new window
10.Dollimore, Jonathan(1992)。Shakespeare, Cultural Materialism and the New Historicism。New Historicism & Renaissance Drama。London。  new window
11.Greenblatt, Stephen(1988)。Shakespeareean Negotiations: The Circulation of Social energy in Renaissance England。Shakespeareean Negotiations: The Circulation of Social energy in Renaissance England。Berkeley and Los Angeles。  new window
12.Holderness, Graham(1992)。Henry Ⅳ : Carnival and History。Shakespeare's History Plays: Richard Ⅱto HenryⅤ。NY。  new window
13.Rhodes, Neil(1980)。Elizabethan Grotesque。Elizabethan Grotesque。London。  new window
14.Shakespeare, William(1960)。The Arden Shakespeare: HenryⅣ, Part Ⅰ。The Arden Shakespeare: HenryⅣ, Part Ⅰ。London。  new window
15.Shakespeare, William(1966)。The Arden Shakespeare: HenryⅣ, Part Ⅱ。The Arden Shakespeare: HenryⅣ, Part Ⅱ。London。  new window
16.Shakespeare, William(1965)。The Arden Shakespeare: Julius Caesar。The Arden Shakespeare: Julius Caesar。London。  new window
17.Tillyard, E. M. W.(1944)。Shakespeare's History Plays。Shakespeare's History Plays。London。  new window
18.Welsford, Enid(1935)。The Fool: His Social and Literary History。The Fool: His Social and Literary History。London。  new window
19.Wiles, David(1987)。Shakespeare's Clown: Actor and tExt in the Elizabethan Playhouse。Shakespeare's Clown: Actor and tExt in the Elizabethan Playhouse。Cambridge。  new window
20.Wilson, Dover(1964)。The Foutunes of Falstaff。The Foutunes of Falstaff。Cambridge。  new window
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