

作者:楊亨利 引用關係林幸怡
作者(外文):Yang, Heng-liLin, Hsing-yi
主題關鍵詞:資料發掘知識發現先前知識實體關係模式資料抽象化Data miningKnowledge discoveryPrior knowledgeEntity relationship modelData abstractions
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     資料發掘乃由資料庫中發掘非顯然的、隱含的、前所未知的,而可能有用的資 訊的過程。本文首先從文獻中了解目前資料發掘領域的研究現況,從而由擴充先前知識的 角度切入,利用企業法則、延伸的實體關係模式中的一般化、集合化、聚集化等抽象化觀 念、延伸之資料字典及經驗法則等先前知識得出更合適的資料以供資料發掘,並對於概念 樹導向歸納學習法做適當的修改,提出研究架構。並以假想的學校資料庫,發展出一套雛 形系統,驗証本架構的可行性。最後並提出進一步的研究建議,以供後續研究參考。
     Data mining is the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data. In the paper, we first survey previous research in data mining and discuss their prior knowledge. Then we propose a framework to extend prior knowledge including data abstractions (generalization, association, and aggregation) of the extended entity-relationship model, business rule, extended data dictionary and heuristics, in order to assist the process of data mining. The Han's algorithms based on inductive learning using concept hierarchy trees are slightly modified. A prototype based on an artificial university database is then reported. Finally, we give some suggestions for future research.
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