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12.Kamien, M. I.、Schwartz, N. L.(1970)。Market Structure, Elasticity of Demand, and Incentive to Invent。Journal of Law and Economics,13,241-252。  new window
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17.Scherer, F. M.(1967)。Research and Development Resource Allocation Under Rivality。Quarterly Journal of Economics,81(3),359-394。  new window
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22.Cohen, W. M.、Levin, R. C.、Mowery, D. C.(1987)。Firm Size and R&D Intensity: A Re-examination。The Journal of Industrial Economics,35(4),543-565。  new window
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24.Levin, Richard C.、Cohen, Wesley M.、Mowery, David C.(1985)。R&D appropriability, opportunity, and market structure: New evidence on some Schumpeterian hypotheses。American Economic Review,75(2),20-24。  new window
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30.Link, Albert N.(1980)。Firm size and efficient entrepreneurial activity: A reformulation of the Schumpeter hypothesis。Journal of Political Economy,88,771-782。  new window
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33.Link, A. N.(1982)。An analysis of the composition of R&D spending。Southern Economic Journal,49,342-349。  new window
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35.Shrieves, Ronald E.(1978)。Market Structure and Innovation: A New Perspective。Journal of Industrial Economics,26,329-346。  new window
36.Martin, Stephen、Lunn, John(1986)。Market structure, firm structure and research and development。Quarterly Review of Economics and Business,26(1),31-44。  new window
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1.Harris, Richard G.(1985)。Trade, Industrial Policy and International Competition。Toronto:University of Toronto Press。  new window
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9.Schumpeter, J. A.(1976)。Capitalism, socialism, and democracy。New York:Harper and Brothers。  new window
10.Scherer, F. M.(1980)。Industry Market Structure and Economic Performance。Chicago:Boston, MA:Rand McNally:Houghton Milfflin Co.。  new window
11.Kamien, M. I.、Schwartz, N. L.(1982)。Market structure and innovation。Cambridge University Press。  new window
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1.Bound, J.、Cummins, C.、Griliches, Q. Z.、Hall, B.、Jaffe, A.(1984)。Who Does R&D and Who Patents?。R&D, Patents, and Productivity。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
2.Cohen, W. M.、Levin, R. C.(1989)。Empirical Studies of Innovation and Market Structure。Handbook of Industrial Organization。  new window
3.Arrow, K. J.(1962)。Economic welfare and the allocation of resources for innovation。The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors。Princeton, NJ:Princeton Univer­sity Press。  new window
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