

作者:陳光祖 引用關係
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1.張光直(1981)。商周青銅器上的動物紋樣。考古與文物,1981(2),53-68。  延伸查詢new window
2.李朝遠(1995)。獸面紋與查克雨神像--關於異地文化相似性的一個話題。文物天地,1995(4),34-37。  延伸查詢new window
3.張光直(1968)。張序。中央研究院民族學硏究所專刊,15。  延伸查詢new window
4.張光直(1985)。古代中國及其在人類學上的意義。史前研究,1985(2),41-46。  延伸查詢new window
5.張廷(2008)。再論張光直先生的「馬雅、中國文化連續體」--有關馬雅曆法五十二年一週期的新詮釋。中國科技史學會會刊,12,43-56。  延伸查詢new window
6.劉莉(1987)。傳播論與橫渡大洋之接觸--美國考古學界關于新大陸之間文化傳播問題的爭論。史前研究,1987(1),81-84。  延伸查詢new window
7.張鋒中(2000)。薩滿教:硏究中石器文化和早期宗教的文化歷史工具。農業考古,2000(1),27-37。  延伸查詢new window
8.Ferrie, Helke(1995)。A conservation with K. C. Chang。Current Anthropology,36(2),307-325。  new window
9.Francfort, Henri-Paul(1994)。The Central Asian dimension of the symbolic system in Bactria and Margiana。Antiquity,406-418。  new window
10.Fraser, Douglas(1965)。Theoretical issues in the transpacific diffusion controversy。Social Research,32(4),452-477。  new window
11.Meggers, Betty(1975)。The transpacific origin of Mesoamerican civilization: A preliminary review of the evidence and its theoretical implication。American Anthropologist,77(1),1-27。  new window
12.Chang, Kwang-chih(1984)。Ancient China and its Anthropological Significance。Symbols,2(4),20-22。  new window
13.凌純聲(19560300)。臺灣的航海帆筏及其起源。中央研究院民族學研究所集刊,1,1-54。  延伸查詢new window
14.張光直(19590300)。華南史前民族文化史提綱。中央研究院民族學研究所集刊,7,43-103。  延伸查詢new window
15.張光直(1989)。中國古代文明的環太平洋的底層。遼海文物學刊,1989(2),15-21。  延伸查詢new window
16.張光直(1958)。Study of the Neolithic Social Grouping: Examples from the New World。American Anthropologist,60(2),298-334。  new window
1.Aikens, C. Melvin(1999)。he study of shamanism as a culture-historical tool for investigating Mesolithic and earlier religion。中石器文化及有關問題國際學術研討會。英德市。  延伸查詢new window
1.Chi, Li(1957)。The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization:three lectures illustrated with finds at Anyang。Seattle:University of Washington Press。  new window
2.蔣祖棣(1993)。瑪雅與古代中國--考古學文化的比較研究。北京:中國社會科學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
3.Bruhns, Karen Olsen(1994)。Ancient South America。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
4.Chang, Kwang-chih(1977)。The Archaeology of Ancient China。Yale University Press。  new window
5.Chang, Kwang-chih(1986)。Epilogue of The Archaeology of Ancient China。New Haven:Yale University Press。  new window
6.Chang, Kwang-chih(1989)。Archaeological Thought in America。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
7.Fagan, Brian M.(1987)。The Great Journey: The Peopling of Ancient America。London:Thames and Hudson Ltd。  new window
8.Lamberg-Karlovsky, Martha(2000)。The Breakout: The Origins of Civilization, edited by Martha Lamberg-Karlovsky, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology。Cambridge:Harvard University。  new window
9.Meggers, Betty、楊鎭夏(2001)。序一。奧爾梅克的發現。昆明市:雲南人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
10.Needham, Joseph、Lu, Gwei-Djen(1985)。Trans-Pacific Echoes and Resonances: Listening Once Again。Philadelphia, PA:World Scientific。  new window
11.王渝生(1991)。再次玲聽大洋兩岸的共鳴--回顧跨越太平洋的文化科學交流。紐約:八方文化企業公司。  延伸查詢new window
12.Shao, Paul(1976)。Asiatic influences in Pre-Columbian American Art。Ames, Iowa:Iowa State University Press。  new window
13.Willey, Gordon R.、Sabloff, Jeremy A.(1974)。A History of American Archaeology。London:Thames and Hudson。  new window
14.Sabloff, Jeremy A.(1989)。The Cities of Ancient Mexico: Reconstructing a Lost World。London:Thames and Hudson。  new window
15.Sorenson, John L.、Martin H. Raish(1996)。Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography。Provo, Utah:Research Press。  new window
16.Chang, Kwang-chih(1986)。The Archaeology of Ancient China。New Haven:Yale University Press。  new window
1.張光直(19940130)。懷憶民族學前輩學者凌純聲教授。  延伸查詢new window
2.陳星燦(1999)。南美洲考古所見操蛇神像及其他。  延伸查詢new window
3.蕭兵(2006)。中國上古文物中人與動物的關係--評張光直教授「動物夥伴」之泛薩滿理。  延伸查詢new window
1.張光直(1988)。中國古代史在世界史上的重要性。考古學專題六講。臺北:稻香出版社。  延伸查詢new window
2.王韜(1873)。亞美利加古風俗。甕牖餘談。臺北:廣文書局。  延伸查詢new window
3.張光直(1981)。商周青銅器上的動物紋樣。中國青銅時代。北京:三聯書店。  延伸查詢new window
4.Campbell. Joseph(1983)。The Way of the Animal Powers, Part 2: Mythologies of the Great Hunt。Historical Atlas of World Mythology。New York:Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc。  new window
5.Chandler, Wayne B.(1986)。Trait-influences in Meso-America: The African-Asian connection。African Presence in Early America。Journal of African Civilizations Ltd。  new window
6.Chang, Kwang(2000)。The Breakout: The Origins of Civilization。Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology。Cambridge:Harvard University。  new window
7.Chang, Kwang-chih(1992)。The circumpacific substratum of ancient Chinese civilization。Pacific Northeast Asia in Prehistory: Hunter-fisher-gatherersy, Farmers, and Sociopolitical Elites。Pullman:Washington State University Press。  new window
8.Francfort, Henri-Paul(1992)。Dungeons and dragons: Reflections on the system of iconography in protohistoric Bactria and Margiana。South Asian Archaeology Studies。New Delhi:Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd。  new window
9.Furst, Peter T.(1976)。hamnistic survivals in Mesoamerican religion。Actas del XLI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Mexico。  new window
10.Heine-Geldern, Robert(1959)。Chinese influences in Mexico and Central America: The Tajin style of Mexico and the marble vases from Honduras。Actas del XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, San Jose, 1958。  new window
11.Heine-Geldern, Robert(1959)。Representations of the Asiatic tiger in the art of the Chavin culture: A proof of early contacts between China and Peru。Act as del XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, San Jose, 1958。  new window
12.Heine-Geldern, Robert、Gordon F. Ekholm(1951)。Significant parallels in the symbolic arts of Southern Asia and Middle America。A etas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de Americanistas。  new window
13.Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C.(2000)。The Near Eastern “breakout” and the Mesopotamian social contract。The Breakout: The Origins of Civilization。Cambridge:Harvard University。  new window
14.Willey, Gordon R.(2000)。Ancient Chinese, New World, and Near Eastern ideological tradition: Some observations;in: The Breakout: The Origins of Civilization。The Breakout: The Origins of Civilization。Cambridge:Harvard University。  new window
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