

作者:羅清俊 引用關係
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1.Barry R, Weingast、Johnsen, Chnstopher、Kenneth A., Shepsle(1981)。The Political Economy of Benefits and Costs: A Neoclassical Approach to Distributive Politics。Journal of Political Economy,89,642-664。  new window
2.R. Douglas, Arnold(1981)。Legislators, Bureaucratsf and Locational Decision。Public Choice,37,109-132。  new window
3.Melissa P, Collie(1988)。Universalism and the Parties in the U.S. House of Representatives: 1921-1980。American Journal of Political Science,32,865-883。  new window
4.Melissa P, Collie(1988)。The Legislature and Distributive Policy Making in Formal Perspective。Legislative Studies Quarterly,13,427-458。  new window
5.Gary W, Cox、Tutt, Timothy N.(1984)。Universalism and Allocative Decision Making in the Los Angles County Board of Supervisors\。Journal o f Politics,46,546-555。  new window
6.Barbara, Decard(1972)。State Party Delegations in the U.S. House of Representatives: A Comparative Study of Group Cohesion。Journal of Politics,34,199-222。  new window
7.Thomas, Gilligan、Krehbeil, Keith(1989)。A sym m etric Inform ation and L egislative Rules with a Heterogeneous Committee。American Journal of Political Science,33,459-490。  new window
8.John A, Hird(1991)。The Political Economy of Pork: Project Selection at The U.S. Army Coips of Engineers。American Political Science Review,85,429-456。  new window
9.Keith, Krehbiel(1990)。Are Congressional Committee Composed of Preference Outlier。American Political Science Review,84,149-163。  new window
10.Andrew S, McFarland(1987)。Interest Groups and Theories of Power in America。British Journal of Political Science,17,129-147。  new window
11.Gary J, Miller、Joe A, Oppenheimer(1982)。Universalism in Experimental Committee。American Political Science Review,76,561-574。  new window
12.Emerson, Niou、Ordeshook, Peter C.(1985)。Universalism in Congress。American Journal o f Political Science,29,246-258。  new window
13.Leonard G, Ritt(1976)。Committee Position, Seniority, and the D istribution of Government Expenditures。Public Policy,24,463-489。  new window
14.Kenneth, Shepsle(1975)。Congressional Committee Assignments: An Optimalization Model with Institutional Constraints。Public Choice,21,55-78。  new window
15.Kenneth, Shepsle、Weingast, Barry(1981)。Political Preferences for the Pork Baird。American Journal of Political Science,25,96-111。  new window
16.Kenneth, Shepsle、Weingast, Barry(1994)。Positive Theories of Congressional Institutions。Legislative Studies Quarterly,19,149-179。  new window
17.Rick, Wilson(1986)。An Empirical Test of Preference for the Political Pork Barrel: District Level Outlays for River and Harbor Legislation。American Journal o f Political Science,30,621-649。  new window
18.Weingast, Barry R.、Marshall, William J.(1988)。The Industrial Organization of Congress; or, Why Legislatures, Like Firms, are not Organized as Markets。Journal of Political Economy,96(1),132-163。  new window
19.Cox, Gary W.、McCubbins, Matthew D.(1991)。On the Decline of Party Voting in Congress。Legislative Studies Quarterly,16,547-570。  new window
20.Barry S, Rundquist、David E, Griffith(1976)。An Interrupted Time Series Test of the Distributive Theory of Military Policy-Making。Western Political Quarterly,29,620-626。  new window
21.Rich, Michael J.(1989)。Distributive Politics and the Allocation of Federal Grants。American Political Science Review,83(1),193-213。  new window
22.Roberts, Brian E.(1990)。A Dead Senator Tells No Lies: Seniority and the Distribution of Federal Benefits。American Journal of Political Science,34(1),31-58。  new window
23.John A, Hamman(1993)。Universalism, Program Development, and the Distribution of Federal Assistance。Legislative Studies Quarterly,18,553-568。  new window
24.Krasner, Stephen D.(19840100)。Review Article: Approaches to the State: Alternative Conceptions and Historical Dynamics。Comparative Politics,16(2),223-246。  new window
25.Hird, John A.(1990)。Superfund Expenditures and Cleanup Priorities: Distributive Politics or the Public Interest?。Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,9(4),455-483。  new window
26.Plott, Charles R.(1968)。Some Organizational Influences on Urban Renewal Decisions。American Economic Review,58,306-321。  new window
27.Owens, John R.、Wade, Larry L.(1984)。Federal Spending in Congressional Districts。Western Political Quarterly,37,404-432。  new window
28.Ray, Bruce A.(1980)。Federal Spending and the Selection of Committee Assignments in the U.S. House of Representatives。American Journal of Political Science,24,494-510。  new window
29.Ray, Bruce A.(1982)。Causation in the Relationship between Congressional Position and Federal Spending。Polity,14,676-690。  new window
30.Rundquist, Barry S.(1979)。On Testing a Military Industrial Complex Theory。American Political Quarterly,6,29-53。  new window
31.Strom, Gerald S.(1975)。Congressional Policy Making: A Test of a Theory。Journal of Politics,37,711-735。  new window
32.Lindblom, Charles Edward(1959)。The Science of "Muddling Through"。Public Administration Review,19(2),79-88。  new window
33.Lowi, Theodore J.(1964)。American Business, Public Policy, Case-Studies, and Political Theory。World Politics,16(4),677-715。  new window
34.Collie, Melissa P.(1988)。The Rise of Coalition Politics: Voting in the U. S. House, 1933-1980。Legislative Studies Quarterly,13(3),321-342。  new window
35.Weingast, Barry R.(1979)。A Rational Choice Perspective on Congressional Norms。American Journal of Political Science,23(2),245-262。  new window
1.Barry S, Rundquist、Luor, Ching-Jyuhn、Lee, Jeong-Hwa(1995)。States and Districts as Units of Analysis in Distributive Studies。the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting。Chicago, Illinois。  new window
2.Barry, Rundquist、Ching-Jyuhn, Luor.、Jeong-Hwa Lee.(1994)。Testing Distributive Theories Using Bickers' and Steins' Data Book。the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association。New York:New York City。  new window
3.Ackerman, Bruce A.、Hasser, William T.(1994)。Feeding At the Trough: Committees and The Political Economy of Federal Outlays to Congressional Districts。Annual Meeting of Midwest Political Science Association。  new window
4.Robert M, Stein、Kenneth N, Bickers(19920903)。Congressional Elections and the Pork Barrel: The Interest Group Connection。presentation at the 88th Annual Meetings o f the American Political Science。Chicago, Illinois。3-6。  new window
1.Luor, Ching-Jyuhn(1995)。The United States Distributive Politics in the 1980s(博士論文)。University of Illinois at Chicago。  new window
2.Rich, Michael J.(1985)。Congress, Bureaucracy, and the Cities: Distributive Politics and the Allocation of Federal Grants for Community and Economic Development(博士論文)。Northwestern University。  new window
3.Strom, Gerald S.(1973)。Congressional Policy-Making and the Federal Waste Treatment Construction Grant Program(博士論文)。University of Illinois。  new window
4.Jungho, Rhee(1994)。The Distributive Politics of Cold War Defense Spending(博士論文)。University o f Illinois at Chicago,Chicago, IL。  new window
1.McConnell, Grant(1966)。Private Power and American Democracy。New York:Knopf。  new window
2.Ackerman, Bruce A.、Hasser, William T.(1981)。Clean Coal/Dirty Air。New Haven, Conn.:Yale University Press。  new window
3.R. Douglas, Arnold(1979)。Congress and the Bureaucracy: A Theoiy o f Influence。New Haven:Yale University Press。  new window
4.Bickers, Kenneth N.、Stein, Robert M.(1991)。Federal Domestic Outlays 1983-1990: A Data Book。New York:M.E. Sharpe, Inc.。  new window
5.Buchanan, J.、Tullock, Gordon(1962)。Calculus o f Consent。Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press。  new window
6.Robert A, Dahl(1961)。Who G overns。New Haven:Yale University Press。  new window
7.Roger, Davidson(1992)。The Postreform Congress。New York:St. Maitin's Press。  new window
8.Murray, Edelman(1964)。The Symbolic Uses o f Politics。Urbana:University of Illinois。  new window
9.Morris P, Fiorina(1977)。Congress: Keystone o f the Washington Establishment。New Haven:Yale University Press。  new window
10.Charles O, Jones(1975)。Clean Air: The Policies and Politics o f Pullution Control。Pittsburg, PA:University of Pittsburg Press。  new window
11.Roderick D, Kieweit、McCubbins, Matthew D.(1991)。The Logic o f Delegation。Chicago:The University of Chicago Press。  new window
12.Keith, Krehbiel(1991)。Information and Legislative Organization。Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press。  new window
13.Harold D, Lasswell(1950)。Politics: Who Gets What, When, and How。New York:McGraw-Hill Book Company。  new window
14.Lowi, Theodore J.(1979)。The End o f Liberalism。New York:W.W. Norton。  new window
15.Andrew S, McFarland(1916)。Public Interest Lobbies: D ecision M aking on Energy。Washington, D.C:American Enterprise Institute。  new window
16.Mark V, Nadel(1971)。The Politics o f Consumer Protection。IN:Bobbs-Merrill。  new window
17.Eric A, Nordlinger(1981)。On the Autonomy o f the Democratic State。Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press。  new window
18.Mancur. Jr, Olson(1965)。The Logic o f Collective Action. Cambradge。Cambradge, MA:Harvard University。  new window
19.Norman J, Ornstein、Elder, Shirley(1978)。Interest Groups, Lobbying, and Policymaking。Washington, D.C.:Congressional Quarterly Press。  new window
20.Paul E, Peterson、Rabe, B.、Wong, Kenneth(1986)。When Federalism Works。Washington, D.C:Brookings Institution。  new window
21.Michael J, Rich(1993)。Federal Policymakinhg and The Poor: National Goals。Local Choicesf and Distributional Outcomes。New Jersey:Princeton University Press。  new window
22.William, Riker(1962)。A Theory o f Political Coalitions。New Haven:Yale University Press。  new window
23.Kenneth, Shepsle(1978)。The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle。Chicago:The University of Chicago Press。  new window
24.Robert, Stein、Bickers, Kenneth(1995)。Perpetuating the Pork Bairel: Policy Subsystems and American Democracy。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
25.David, Vogel(1989)。Fluctuating Fortunes: The Political Power of Business in America。New York:Basic Books。  new window
26.Lettie Me Spadden, Wenner(1982)。The Environmental Decade in Court。Bloomington:Indiana University Press。  new window
27.Aaron, Wildavsky(1984)。The Politics o f the Budgetary Process。Boston:Little, Brown。  new window
28.Berry, Jeffrey M.(1977)。Lobbying for the People。Princeton University Press。  new window
29.Walker, Jack L. Jr.(1991)。Mobilizing Interest Groups in America: Patrons, Professions, and Social Movements。The University of Michigan Press。  new window
30.Kingdon, John W.(1995)。Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies。Longman。  new window
31.Truman, David B.(1951)。The Governmental Process--Political Interest and Public Opinion。New York, NY:Alfred A. Knopf。  new window
32.Barry, Brian(1965)。Political Argument。London:Routledge and Kegan。  new window
33.Easton, David、Dennis, J.(1965)。A framework for political analysis。Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall。  new window
34.Stigler, George Joseph(1975)。The Citizen and the State: Essays on Regulation。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
35.Cox, Gary W.、McCubbins, Matthew D.(1993)。Legislative Leviathan。CA:University of California。  new window
36.Ferejohn, John A.(1974)。Pork Barrel Politics: Rivers and Harbors Legislation, 1947-1968。CA:Stanford University Press。  new window
37.Niskanen, William A. Jr.(1971)。Bureaucracy and Representative Government。Chicago, IL:Aldine-Atherton。  new window
1.Barry S, Rundquist、John A, Ferejohn(1975)。Two Am erican Expenditure Program s Com pared。Comparative Public Policy。New York:Wiley Inc.。  new window
2.J. Theodore, Anagnoson(1980)。Politics in the Distribution of Federal Grants: The Case of the Econom ic D evelopm ent A dm inistration。Political Benefits。MA:Lexington Books。  new window
3.Andrew S, McFarland(1983)。Public Interest Lobbies Versus Minority Faction。Interest Group Politics。Washington D.C.:Congressional Quarterly Press。  new window
4.Andrew S, McFarland(1992)。Interest Groups and Policym aking Process: Sources of Countervailing Power in America。The Politics o f Interests: Interest Groups Transformed。CO:Westview Press。  new window
5.Matthew, Donald R.、Stimson, James A.(1970)。Decision Making by U.S. Representatives: A Preliminary Model。Political Decision Making。Cincinnati:Van Nostrand Reinhold。  new window
6.Robert Cameron, Mitchell(1984)。Public Opinion and Environmental Politics in the 1970s and the 1980s。Environmental Policy in the 1980s: Regans N ew Agenda。Washington, D.C:Congressional Quarterly Press。  new window
7.Norman J, Reid(1980)。Politics, Program Administration, and the Distribution of Grants-in-A ids: A Theory and a Test。Political Benefits。MA:Lexington Books。  new window
8.R. Douglas, Arnold(1981)。The Local Roots of Domestic Policy。New Congress。Washington, D.C:American Enterprise Institute。  new window
9.Bruce A, Ray(1980)。Congressional Promotion of District Interests: Does Power on the Hill Really make a Difference。Political Benefits。MA:Lexington Books。  new window
10.Barry S, Rundquist(1980)。On the Theory of Political Benefits in American Public Programs。Political Benefits。MA:Lexington Books。  new window
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