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1.席臻貫(1988)。從康熙皇帝的音樂活動看〈律呂正義〉。音樂研究,1988(3),37。  延伸查詢new window
2.王柔(1986)。中國最早印行的西洋樂理〈律呂正義〉續編的探討。中央音樂學院學報,1986(2)。  延伸查詢new window
3.吳相湘(1969)。〈律呂纂要〉跋。大陸雜誌,38,17-19。  延伸查詢new window
4.王冰(2003)。徐日昇和西方音樂知識在中國的傳播。文化雜誌,1,86-87。  延伸查詢new window
5.王震亞(1990)。西洋樂理輸入探源。音樂研究,1990(4)。  延伸查詢new window
6.王冰(2002)。律呂纂要之研究。故宮博物院院刋,2002(4),69。  延伸查詢new window
7.Bernard, Henri(1935)。La musique européen ne en Chine。Le Bulletin Catholique de Pékin,258,87-91。  new window
8.雷強(20121200)。北堂印書館1931至1951年刊印書目考。圖書資訊學刊,10(2),143-187。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.Duvigneau, Aymard-Bernard(1937)。Theodoric Pedrini, prêtre de la mission, protonotaire apostolique, musicien à la cour impériale de Pékin。Le Bulletin Catholique de Pékin,286,312-325。  new window
10.Duvigneau, Aymard-Bernard(1937)。Theodoric Pedrini, prêtre de la mission, protonotaire apostolique, musicien à la cour impériale de Pékin。Le Bulletin Catholique de Pékin,287,363-375。  new window
11.Duvigneau, Aymard-Bernard(1937)。Theodoric Pedrini, prêtre de la mission, protonotaire apostolique, musicien à la cour impériale de Pékin。Le Bulletin Catholique de Pékin,288,436-444。  new window
12.Duvigneau, Aymard-Bernard(1937)。Theodoric Pedrini, prêtre de la mission, protonotaire apostolique, musicien à la cour impériale de Pékin。Le Bulletin Catholique de Pékin,289,475-488。  new window
13.Duvigneau, Aymard-Bernard(1937)。Theodoric Pedrini, prêtre de la mission, protonotaire apostolique, musicien à la cour impériale de Pékin。Le Bulletin Catholique de Pékin,290,535-542。  new window
14.Duvigneau, Aymard-Bernard(1943)。Théodoric Pedrini, musicien à la cour impériale de Pékin。Il Marco Polo,16,7-30。  new window
15.Allsop, Peter C.、Lindorff, Joyce(2008)。Teodorico Pedrini: The Music and Letters of an 18th-century Missionary in China。Vincentian Heritage Journal,27(2),43-59。  new window
16.陳家騏(2010)。回憶我的恩師陸以循先生。水木清華,2010(6),98-99。  延伸查詢new window
17.Combaluzier, Fernand(1952)。Théodoric Pedrini, le missionaire, le musicien à la cour impériale de Pékin。Neue Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft,8,270-287。  new window
18.Chelazzi, Paolo Cesare(1943)。Composer Teodorico Pedrini and His Times。Il Marco Polo,16,31-37。  new window
19.矢澤利彥(1937)。「律呂正義」與德里格。東洋音樂研究,11-33。  延伸查詢new window
20.Canhão, Joel(1986)。Um músico português no século XVII na corte de Pequim: o Padre Tomás Pereira。Biblos,62,519-535。  new window
21.Combaluzier, Fernand(1957)。Theodoric Pedrini, lazariste, missionaire apostolique。Neue Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft,13,139-147。  new window
22.Combaluzier, Fernand(1953)。Théodoric Pedrini, le missionaire, le musicien à la cour impériale de Pékin。Neue Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft,9,149-151。  new window
23.Canhão, Joel(1988)。Father Tomás Pereira a XVIIth century Portuguese musician in the Beijing court。Review of Culture,4,22。  new window
24.Lo, Kii-ming(1993)。New Documents on the Encounter between European and Chinese Music。Revista de Musicologia,16(4),1899-1901。  new window
25.Lindorff, Joyce(1994)。The Harpsichord and Clavichord in China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties。Early Keyboard Studies,8(4),1-8。  new window
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27.張奕明(2011)。我所見到的林樂詩教授。愛樂,2011(9)。  延伸查詢new window
28.王冰(20030600)。徐日昇[Thomas Pereira]和西方音樂知識在中國的傳播。文化雜誌,47,71-90。  延伸查詢new window
29.Wang, Bing(2004)。Tomás Pereira e a divulgação da teoria musical do ocidente na China。Revista de Cultura,9,123-147。  new window
30.王冰(2014)。〈律呂纂要〉內容來源初探。自然科學史研究,33(4),411-426。  延伸查詢new window
31.Lindorff, Joyce(2004)。Missionaries, Keyboards and Musical Exchange in the Ming and Qing Courts。Early Music,32(3),408-410。  new window
32.Allsop, Peter、Lindorff, Joyce、Dieci, Sara(2007)。Da Fermo alla Corte Imperiale Della Cina: Teodorico Pedrini, Musico E Missionario Apostolico。Rivista Italiana di Musicologia,42(1),69-104。  new window
33.歐陽韞(2011)。「西方早期音樂研討會2011.北京」召開。中央音樂學院學報,2011(4),141。  延伸查詢new window
34.Galeffi, Fabio G.、Tarsetti, Gabriele(2007)。Teodorico Pedrini nei Documenti degli archivi dell'Archidiocesi di Fermo。Quaderni dell'Archivio Storico Arcivescovile di Fermo,22(44),59-98。  new window
35.Galeffi, Fabio G.、Tarsetti, Gabriele(2010)。Teodorico Pedrini, un fermano tra la Santa Sede e l'Impero di Cina。Quaderni dell'Archivio Storico Arcivescovile di Fermo,24(48),103-118。  new window
1.高華士(2001)。從Compendia到Astronomia Europaea(1687):一個歷史語言學的分析。南懷仁(1623~1688)--魯汶國際學術研討會。社會科學出版社。71-72。  延伸查詢new window
2.Wang, Bing(2012)。An Exploration of the Original Sources of Lülü Zuan Yao。The 12th International Conference on the History of Science in China。Beijing:Science Press。83-96。  new window
3.Wang, Bing(2008)。An Exploration of the Original Sources of Lülü Zuan Yao。The International Symposium on the 3rd Centenary of the Thomas Pereira's Death: Thomas Pereira S.J. (1645-1708): the Life, Work and Times,(會議日期: October 13-15, 2008)。Lisbon。  new window
4.Allsop, Peter、Lindorff, Joyce(2006)。Music, Religion and Politics, Teodorico Pedrini's Correspondence from Early Qing court。The Twelfth Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music,(會議日期: July 26th-30th 2006)。Warsaw。  new window
5.Allsop, Peter、Lindorff, Joyce(2005)。From the Qing Court to the Vatican: Teodorico Pedrini's half century of letters。The workshop "Music and Inter-Cultural Contact in the Early Modern Period",(會議日期: 18 June 2005)。Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge。  new window
1.Liang, Yongsheng(1994)。Western Influence on Chinese Music in the Early Twentieth Century(博士論文)。  new window
2.Song, Haoyan(2015)。O "ser português" e o "outro": Revisitar a história de Portugal no diálogo com a civilização chinesa--O caso Tomás Pereira(博士論文)。Universidade do Minho。  new window
3.Jia, Shubing(2012)。The dissemination of Western music through Catholic missions in High Qing China, 1662-1795(博士論文)。University of Bristol。  new window
4.Chiu, Wai Yee Lulu(2007)。The function of Western music in the eighteenth-century Chinese court(博士論文)。The Chinese University of Hong Kong。  new window
5.Wu, Ben(1998)。Ritual Music in the Court and Rulership of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)(博士論文)。University of Pittsburgh。  new window
6.Yu, Siu-Wah(1996)。The Meaning and Cultural Functions of Non-Chinese Music in the Eighteenth-Century Manchu Court(博士論文)。Harvard University。  new window
1.Machado, Diogo Barbosa(1752)。Bibliotheca Lusitana。Lisboa:Na Officina de Ignacio Rodrigues。  new window
2.Verbiest, Ferdinand(1687)。Astronomia Europaea sub imperatore Tartaro Sinico Cám Hý appellato ex umbra in lucem revocata。Dillingae:Typis & Sumptibus Joannis Caspari Bencard。  new window
3.Rodrigues, Francisco(1917)。A Formação Intellectual do Jesuíta: Leis e Factos。Porto:Liv. Magalhães & Moniz Editores。  new window
4.Sommervogel, Carlos S. J.(1895)。Bibliothèque de la campagine de jésus。Bruxelles:Oscar Schepens。  new window
5.方豪(1954)。中西交通史。臺北:中華文化出版事業委員會。  延伸查詢new window
6.Pfister, Louis(1932)。Notices biographiques et bibliographiques sur les jésuites de l'ancienne mission de Chine (1552-1773)。Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique。  new window
7.費賴之、馮承鈞(1995)。在華耶穌會士列傳及書目。中華書局。  延伸查詢new window
8.孟維平(2012)。北京近代新音樂發展史研究。首都師範大學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
9.Verhaeren, H.(1949)。Catalogue de la Bibliotheque du Pe-Tang。Imprimerie des Lazaristes。  new window
10.Gild-Bohne, Gerlinde(1991)。Das Lülü zhengyi xubian: Ein jesuitentraktat über die europäische notation in China von 1713。Göttingen:Edition Re。  new window
11.Suarez, José(1696)。La libertad de la Ley de Dios en el Imperio de la China。Lisbon:Miguel Deslandes。  new window
12.Canhão, Joel(2001)。Tomás Pereira: missionário e artista na China dos finais de seiscentos。V.N. de famalicão:Câmara Municipal。  new window
13.Corelli, Arcangelo(1999)。New Orpheus of Our Times。Oxford:Oxford University Press。  new window
14.Allsop, Peter(1992)。The Italian "Trio" Sonata: From Its Origins to Corelli。Oxford:Clarendon Press。  new window
15.Van den Brandt, Joseph(1936)。Les Lazaristes en Chine, 1697-1935: notes biographiques, recueillies et mises à jour。Imprimerie Des Lazaristes。  new window
1.雷強(20160715)。北堂善本書目的編撰過程。  延伸查詢new window
1.吳相湘(1978)。西洋音樂東傳記略。近代史事論叢。臺北:傳記文學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
2.吳相湘(1978)。第一部中文西洋樂理書。近代史事論叢。臺北:傳記文學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
3.Wang, Bing、Pinto, Manuel Serrano(2012)。Thomas Pereira and the knowledge of Western music in the 17th and 18th centuries in China。History of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal and East Asia IV: Europe and China: Science and the Arts in the 17th and 18th Centuries。WSPC。  new window
4.Picard, François(2001)。Music。Handbook of Christianity in China, Volume One. 635-1800。Leiden:Brill。  new window
5.Rossiter, N. S.(1955)。Father Theodoric Pedrini, 1670-1746。Some Vincentian Missionaries。  new window
6.Gild, Gerlinde(1998)。The Introduction of European Musical Theory during the Early Qing Dynasty. The Achievements of Thomas Pereira and Theodorico Pedrini。Western Learning and Christianity in China。Sankt Augustin:China-Zentrum and the Monumenta Serica Institute。  new window
7.Lindorff, Joyce(2001)。The Harpsichord and Clavichord in China。The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians。London:Macmillan。  new window
8.Lindorff, Joyce(2001)。Pedrini, Teodorico。The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians。London:Macmillan。  new window
9.Jami, Catherine(2008)。Tomé Pereira (1645-1708), clockmaker, musician and interpreter at the Kanxi Court: Portuguese interests and the transmission of science。The Jesuits, the Padroado and East Asian Science (1552-1773)。Singapore:WSPC。  new window
10.Lindorff, Joyce(2012)。Pereira's musical heritage as context for his contributions in China。Europe and China: Science and Arts in the 17th and 18th Centuries。Singapore:WSPC。  new window
11.Janeiro, João Paulo(2012)。The Organist and Organ Builder Tomas Pereira: some New Data on His Activity。In the Light and Shadow of an Emperor: Tomas Pereira, SJ (1645-1708), the Kangxi Emperor and the Jesuit Mission in China。Tyne:Cambridge Scholars Publishing。  new window
12.Gild, Gerlinde(2012)。Mission by Music: The Challenge of Translating European Music into Chinese in the Lülü Zuan Yao。In the Light and Shadow of an Emperor: Tomas Pereira, SJ (1645-1708), the Kangxi Emperor and the Jesuit Mission in China。Tyne:Cambridge Scholars Publishing。  new window
13.Galeffi, Fabio G.、Tarsetti, Gabriele(2015)。Mariner, Musician and Missionary, and True Priest Always' Teodorico Pedrini's Life in Xitang。History of the Church in China From its beginning to the Scheut Fathers and 20th century Unveiling some less known sources, sounds and pictures。Leuven:Ferdinand Verbiest Institute K.U. Leuven。  new window
14.Galeffi, Fabio G.、Tarsetti, Gabriele(2012)。Teodorico Pedrini e la musica come strumento di missione。La musica dei semplici: L'altra Controriforma。Rome:Viella。  new window
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