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1.Golder, Scott A.、Macy, Michael W.(2011)。Diurnal and Seasonal Mood Vary with Work, Sleep, and Daylength Across Diverse Cultures。Science,333(6051),1878-1881。  new window
2.Gayo-Avello, D.(2011)。Don't turn social media into another' Literary Digest' poll。Communications of the ACM,54(10),121-128。  new window
3.王來華、林竹、畢宏音(2004)。對輿情、民意和輿論三概念異同的初步辨析。新視野,2004(5),64-66。  延伸查詢new window
4.張元龍(2009)。關於「輿情」及相關概念的界定與辨析。浙江學刊,2009(3),182-184。  延伸查詢new window
5.Linh, Dang-Xuan、Stieglitz, Stefan、Wladarsch, Jennifer、Neuberger, Christoph(2013)。An investigation of influentials and the role of sentiment in political communication on Twitter during election periods。Information, Communication & Society,16(5),795-825。  new window
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19.喻國明(2015)。當前社會輿情的結構性特點與分析性發現--基於2014年中國社會網路輿情的大數據分析。江淮論壇,2015(5)。  延伸查詢new window
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22.李金海、何有世、熊強(2014)。基於大數據技術的網路輿情文本挖掘研究。情報雜誌,2014(10),1-6+13。  延伸查詢new window
23.Conway, B. A.、Kenski, K.、Wang, D.(2015)。The Rise of Twitter in the Political Campaign: Searching for Intermedia Agenda-Setting Effects in the Presidential Primary。Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,20(4),363-380。  new window
24.Guo, L.、Vargo, C.(2015)。The Power of Message Networks: A Big-Data Analysis of the Network Agenda Setting Model and Issue Ownership。Mass Communication and Society,18(5),557-576。  new window
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27.Jensen, Michael J.、Anstead, Nick(2013)。Psychological Investigations: Tweets, Votes, and Unknown Unknowns in the Republican Nomination Process。Policy & Internet,5(2),161-182。  new window
28.Jungherr, A.(2014)。The Logic of Political Coverage on Twitter: Temporal Dynamics and Content。Journal of Communication,64(2),239-259。  new window
29.Park, J.、Baek, Y. M.、Cha, M. Y.(2014)。Cross-Cultural Comparison of Nonverbal Cues in Emoticons on Twitter: Evidence from Big Data Analysis。Journal of Communication,64(2),333-354。  new window
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31.Giglietto, F.、Selva, D.(2014)。Second Screen and Participation: A Content Analysis on A Full Season Dataset of Tweets Fabio Giglietto & Donatella Selva。Journal of Communication,64,260-277。  new window
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33.Emery, S. L.、Szczypka, G.、Abril, E. P.、Kim, Y.、Vera, L.(2014)。Are You Scared Yet? Evaluating Fear Appeal Messages in Tweets about the Tips Campaign。Journal of Communication,64,278-295。  new window
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37.Thelwall, Mike、Wilkinson, David、Uppal, Sukhvinder(2010)。Data mining emotion in social network communication: Gender differences in MySpace。Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,61(1),190-199。  new window
38.McCombs, Maxwell E.、Shaw, Donald L.(1972)。The Agenda-setting Function of Mass Media。The Public Opinion Quarterly,36(2),176-187。  new window
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40.Vargo, C. J.、Guo, L.、McCombs, M.、Shaw, D. L.(2014)。Network issue agendas on Twitter during the 2012 U.S. presidential election。Journal of Communication,64(2),296-316。  new window
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7.Guo, L.、McCombs, M.(2011)。Toward the Third Level of Agenda Setting Theory: A Network Agenda Setting Model。Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication。St. Louis, MO。  new window
8.Gayo-Avello, D.、Metaxas, P.、Mustafaraj, E.(2011)。Limits of Electoral Predictions Using Social Media Data。The International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media,(會議日期: 2011/07/17-07/21)。Barcelona。  new window
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