

主題關鍵詞:反壟斷法域外適用國際卡特爾Antimonopoly lawExtraterritorial applicationInternational cartel
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In today’s world,almost all of the antitrust law is not only applicable to conduct within its territory,but also to conduct outside the territory if such conduct eliminates or has a restrictive effect on competition in the domestic market. However,there are cases involving international cartels in recent year that indicated that it is also not good,if the scope of the extraterritorial application of antimonopoly law expanded too far,because in that case there will be jurisdictional and legal conflicts between related countries,and additionally it is also not reasonable for the companies. It is well established in the world that antimonopoly law shall not apply extraterritorially unless such conduct has a direct,substantial,and reasonably foreseeable effect within the domestic market. China has handled some international cartel cases and demonstrated that China has accepted this principle. However,due to the fact that international trade and commerce is complex and China has become the important market for the multinational companies doing business,China should clear its basic principle for the extraterritorial application of its antimonopoly law in order to increase the transparency and predictability of the Antimonopoly Law enforcement.
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2.Mestmaecker, J.(1990)。Wirtschaftsrecht。RabelsZ,54。  new window
3.Griffin, Joseph P.(1998)。Foreign Governmental Reactions to U. S. Assertions of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction。ECLR,19(2),64-73。  new window
4.(1997)。The Commission Clears the Merger between Boeing and McDonnell Douglas under Conditions and Obligations。WuW,9。  new window
5.Säcker, Franz Jürgen(2014)。Chinesisches Aus für eine Reederei-Allianz。WuW,11。  new window
6.Stanford, J. S.(1978)。The Application of the Sherman Act to Conduct outside the United States: A View from Abroad。Cornell International Law Journal,11(2),195-214。  new window
1.U. S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission(1995)。Antitrust Enforcement Guidelines for International Operations。  new window
2.Emmerich, Volker(1999)。Kartellrecht。Verlag C. H. Beck。  new window
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2.OECD。Recommendation concerning Effective Action against Hard Core Cartels,http://www.oecd.org/competition/cartels/recommendationconcerningeffectiveactionagainsthardcorecartels.htm。  new window
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4.張國棟。中國液晶面板價格壟斷協議案的問題及探討,http://hk.lexiscnweb.com/clr/view_article.php? clr_article_id=930&clr_id=74。  延伸查詢new window
5.(20140820)。中國對日本12家企業實施汽車零部件和軸承價格壟斷罰款12.35億元,http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2014-08/20/c_1112152206.htm。  延伸查詢new window
6.Allen & Overy。Global Cartel Fines Reach New High in 2014 as Enforcers Continue to Focus on Auto Parts Sector,http://www.allenovery.com/news/en-gb/articles/Pages/Global-cartel-fines-reach-new-high-in-2014-as-enforcers-continue-to-focus-on-auto-parts-sector.aspx。  new window
7.Cartel Statistics by European Commission。Fines Guidelines 2006-Fines as Percentage of Global Turnover,。  new window
8.Commission Fines Eight Companies in Graphite Electrode Cartel,http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-01-1010_en.htm?locale=zh。  new window
9.Shearman & Sterling LLP Cartel Digest。International Cartels,http://www.carteldigest.com/cartel-page.cfm。  new window
10.OECD(2002)。Fighting Hard-Core Cartels, Harm, Effective Sanctions and Leniency Programme,http://www.oecd.org/competition/cartels/1841891.pdf。  new window
11.ICN。Recommended Practices for Merger Notification Procedures,http://www.internatiuonalcompetition network.org/aboutus.html。  new window
12.Martyniszyn, Marek。How High (and Far) Can You Go? On Setting Fines in Cartel Cases Involving Vertically-Integrated Undertakings and Foreign Sales,http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm? abstract_id=2743292。  new window
13.Kluwer Competition Law Blog。EU Judgment Confirms Potential of High Cartel Fines for Vertically Integrated Multinational Companies,http://kluwercompetitionlawblog.com/2015/07/23/eu-judgment-confirms-potential-of-high-cartel-fines-for-vertically-integrated-multinational-companies。  new window
14.Latham & Watkins。ECJ Decision in LCD Cartel Case Affirms Potential for Higher Fines to Be Imposed on Vertically Integrated Companies,http://www.lw.com/thoughtLeadership/LW-ECJ-decision-in-LCD-cartel-case。  new window
15.Sensui, Fumio。Extra-territorial Application of Competition Laws in Japan and the Calculation of Administrative Surcharge regarding Enterprises Engaging Both in Domestic and Export Business,http//www2.kobe-u.ac.jp/~sensui/sensui160304.pdf。  new window
16.Japan Fair Trade Commission(2009)。Cease-and-Desist Order and Surcharge Payment Orders against Manufacturers of Cathode Ray Tubes for Televisions,http://www.jftc.go.jp/en/pressreleases/yearly-2009/oct/individual-000037.html。  new window
1.尚明(2014)。全面總結執法經驗不斷提高執法效率。中國競爭法律與政策研究報告2014年。法律出版社。  延伸查詢new window
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