

主題關鍵詞:2030年可持續發展議程環境目標全球環境治理The 2030 agenda for sustainable developmentEnvironmental objectivesGlobal environmental governance
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Through process tracing method,the paper analyzes how the environmental objectives become a pillar of‘the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ’as equally important as social and economic goals. From the perspective of global governance,the importance of the environment in the global development agenda is increasing. Environmental issues in ‘the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’will be of great importance in global and China’s environmental governance. The global implications for future environmental governance are mainly reflected in: first,the importance of environmental governance will be significantly increased; second,new partnership will strengthen the roles of environmental NGOs and civil society; third,to achieve environmental goals,governance system will increasingly depend on data-driven reviews; fourth,the role of environmental institutions within the UN system will be further strengthened,esp. the UNEP; fifth,environmental along with climate change financing and technology transfer may be further diversified; sixth,climate change and other environmental issues at the global and national levels will be more integrated. Meanwhile,implications on China are: first,it will offer China’s economic transformation and sustainable development a powerful new force; second,China will significantly enhance its public environmental awareness; third,China will play a key role in global governance with a unique focus; fourth,it will require better environmental management system and capacity of China; fifth,China’s future regional cooperation will be greener. However,in the new norms of the economic situation,these environmental goals increase the pressure and responsibility for China’s governance. At the same time,there are also a series of problems and shortcomings in the 2030 Agenda: First,the targets are too many,vague,and difficult to implement. Second,there may be some conflicting targets in the agenda. Third,environmental goals are lack of quantitative standards. Undoubtedly,the environmental objectives in‘the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’are more integrated,comprehensive and systematic than the Millennium Development Goals,demonstrating international community’s collective efforts to address environmental issues. Therefore,we must attach great importance to observe and research.
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