

主題關鍵詞:卡夫卡猶太教孤獨死亡宗教倫理文學倫理KafkaJudaismLonelinessDeathReligious ethicsLiterary ethics
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Religious ethics aims to study the relations of religious ethics and its basic tenets, such as ethical testaments, instructions, laws as well as the ethical sins that people commit due to the violation of these rules. Religious ethics has much in common with literary ethics advocated by Professor Nie Zhenzhao, especially when it is used to study literature. Kafka’s fiction is highly characterized with the religious ethics and literary ethics. The desertion of Judaism made Kafka a lonely man in the world. It was this desertion of God and his lonely living condition that made Kafka more concerned than his contemporaries with the mood of loneliness, fear and despair felt by the modern westerners after the death of God. Therefore, in Kafka’s novels, the protagonists are more eager to look for man’s lost spiritual home. To Kafka, the fundamental reason that modern westerners suffer from loneliness, fear and vagrancy lies in that they have disobeyed the ethical testaments of the God and committed the ethical original sins represented by adultery and the desertion of God.
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5.Blackburn, Simon(2001)。Ethics: A Very Short Introduction。Oxford:Oxford University Press。  new window
6.Blidstein, Gerald J.(2006)。Honor Thy Father and Mother: Filial Responsibility in Jewish Law and Ethics。New York:KTAV Publishing House。  new window
7.Brod, Max、Roberts, G. Humphreys、Winston, Richard(1947)。Franz Kafka: A Biography。New York:Schoken Books。  new window
8.Citati, Pietro、Rosenthal, Raymond(1991)。Kafka。London:Minerva。  new window
9.Hawkins, Beth(2003)。Reluctant Theologians: Franz Kafka, Paul Celan, Edmond Jabès。Fordham University Press。  new window
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12.弗蘭茨.卡夫卡、葉廷芳(2007)。誤入世界。天津:天津人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
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14.Pawel, Ernst(1984)。The Nightmare of Reason: A Life of Franz Kafka。New York。  new window
15.諾曼.所羅門、趙小燕(1998)。猶太教。瀋陽:遼寧教育出版社。  延伸查詢new window
16.Stauffer, Jill(2015)。Ethical Loneliness: The Injustice of Not Being Heard。Columbia University Press。  new window
17.吳曉東(2003)。從卡夫卡到昆德拉:20世紀的小說和小說家。北京:三聯書店。  延伸查詢new window
18.葉廷芳、黃卓越(2007)。從顛覆到經典。北京:商務印書館。  延伸查詢new window
1.Brod, Max(1999)。Epilogue。The Trail。London:Vintage。  new window
2.Brod, Max(1946)。The Homeless Stranger。The Kafka Problem。New York:New Directions。  new window
3.Ferreira, M. Jamie(1998)。Faith and the Kierkegaardian Leap。The Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
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