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American Jewish community is often positioned as a united, strong,far-reaching interests group of ethnic minority. But in the last thirty years,American Jews have been facing increasingly serious challenges of modernity. They have different opinions in many aspects like sects,secularized understanding,inter-generational communication,inter-racial marriage,social organizations ’structure,relationship with Israel. Jews in change are facing contradictions sharper than before. Adhering to or being assimilated? Inheriting tradition or adapting to modernity? Keeping pious or being secularized? Sharing the same fate with root of the race-Israel,or standing together with the United States,a country to which they swore their allegiance? All these things are shaking and deconstructing the unity and consistency of the Jewish community.
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2.汪舒明(2008)。美國猶太人的自由主義和保守化。世界民族,2008(2)。  延伸查詢new window
3.Beinar, Peter(2010)。The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment: An Exchange。The New York Review of Books。  new window
4.Cohe, Debra Nussbaum(19970404)。How a Small Orthodox Group Wrote a National Story。Jewish Telegraphic Agency。  new window
5.Waxman, Chaim I.(2010)。Beyond Distancing: Jewish Identity, Identification and America's Young Jews。Contemporary Jewry,30,230-231。  new window
6.Jack Wertheimer research team(2010)。Generation of Change: How Leaders in Their Twenties and Thirties are Reshaping American Life。Tishrei,5771,11。  new window
1.Kallen, Horace Meyer(1924)。Culture and Democracy in the United States。New York, NY:Boni and Liveright。  new window
2.黃福武、摩迪凱‧開普蘭、張立改(2002)。猶太教:一種文明。濟南:山東大學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
3.Greeley, Andrew(1974)。Ethnicity in the United States。New York:Wiley。  new window
4.劉洪一(2004)。猶太文化要義。北京:商務印書館。  延伸查詢new window
5.Farber, Roberta Rosenberg、Waxman, Chaim I.(1999)。Jews in America: A Contemporary Reader。MA:Brandeis University Press。  new window
6.Beinart, Peter(2012)。The Crisis of Zionism。New York:Henry Holt and Company, LLC。  new window
7.Singer, David、Grossman, Lawrence(2006)。American Jewish Year Book 2006。New York:American Jewish Committee (AJC)。  new window
8.Dashefsky, Arnold、Dellapergola, Sergio、Sheskin, Ira(2012)。World Jewish Population。Berman Institute-North American Jewish DataBank。  new window
9.Chanes, Jerome A.(2008)。A Primer on the American Jewish Community。New York:AJC。  new window
10.Ben-Ami, Jeremy(2011)。A New Voice for Israel: Fight for the Survival of the Jewish Nation。New York:Palgrave Macmillan。  new window
11.Kosmin, Barry、Keysar, Ariela(2009)。Summary Reports of American Religious Identification Survey。Trinity College。  new window
12.Goldstein, Sidney(1993)。Profile of American Jewry: Insights from the 1990 National Jewish Population Survey。New York:Council of Jewish Federation。  new window
13.Ament, Jonathan(2005)。Israel Connection and American Jews。New York:United Jewish Communities。  new window
14.Glazer, Nathan、Moynihan, Daniel P.(1963)。Beyond the Melting Pot: The Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, and Irish in New York City。Cambridge:MIT Press。  new window
15.Dershowitz, Alan M.(1997)。The Vanishing American Jew: In Search of Jewish Identity for the Next Century。Boston:Little Brown and Company。  new window
16.Sandberg, Neil C.(1974)。Ethnic Identity and Assimilation: The Polish-American Community: Case Study of Metropolitan Los Angeles。New York:Praeger Publishers。  new window
17.Gordon, Milton Myron(1964)。Assimilation in American Life: The Role of Race, Religion, and National Origins。Oxford University Press。  new window
18.Putnam, Robert D.(2000)。Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community。Simon & Schuster。  new window
1.NJPS2000-2001,http://www.jewishdatabank.org/studies/details.cfm?StudyID=307。  new window
2.The Jewish Federations of North America。NJPS1990,http://www.jewishdatabank.org/studies/details.cfm?StudyID=305。  new window
3.Sheskin, Ira M.,Dashefsky, Arnold。Jewish Population in the United States 2012,http://www.jewishdatabank.org/Studies/details.cfm?StudyID=611。  new window
1.Cohen, Steven M.(1997)。Reason for Optimism。The Quality of Jewish Life: Two Views。New York:American Jewish Committee。  new window
2.Kosmin, Barry、Scheckner, Jeffrey。Jewish Population in the United States。American Jewish Year Book 1991。  new window
3.Singer, David。Lawrence Grossman。American Jewish Yearbook 1985。New York:AJC。  new window
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