

主題關鍵詞:非法佔有目的剝奪所有取得所有獲利意圖Purpose of illegal possessionDeprive others' ownershipAcquire ownershipPurpose of making a profit
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The traditional view extends the purpose of illegal possession of theft excessively to other property crimes, and that is obviously questionable. The interpretation of the purpose of illegal possession should be treated separately according to the different objective elements of a crime, which means that there is no unified meaning in itself. In the aspect of the purpose of depriving others' ownership, determined by objective elements of theft and fraud, the legal interest of the two should not be regarded as same one. Regardless of the theories of ownership, the original possession right and possession, the offender of theft should always have the purpose of depriving others' ownership in his mind, but the meaning of this kind of purpose need to be explained strictly, while for the offender of fraud, this kind of purpose is needless as long as his deed leads to some objective property loss. In addition, for the crime of embezzlement, the purpose of depriving others' ownership is included in the intention of misappropriation, and it is not transcendental inner tendency. In the aspect of the purpose of acquiring ownership, for crime of theft, this kind of purpose is not transcendental inner tendency, which is consistent with the crime of embezzlement. However, based on the difference between the objective elements of theft and embezzlement, the meaning of the two is still different. As far as the crime of fraud, it is necessary to distinguish the purpose of making a profit and the purpose of acquiring ownership. If the disposition of property could certainly realize the economic value of property, then the offender of fraud must have the purpose of making a profit in his mind, thus it is not suitable to use the concept of the purpose of illegal possession.
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