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1.Frisch, Deborah、Baron, Jonathan(1988)。Ambiguity and rationality。Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,1,149-157。  new window
2.Einhorn, H. J.、Hogarth, R. M.(1986)。Judging probable cause。Psychological Bulletin,99(1),3-19。  new window
3.Schmeidler, D.(1989)。Subjective probability and expected utility without additivity。Econometrica,57(3),571-587。  new window
4.Heath, Chip、Tversky, Amos(1991)。Preference and Belief: Ambiguity and Competence in Choice under Uncertainty。Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,4(1),5-28。  new window
5.Tversky, A.、Kahneman, D.(1992)。Advance in prospect theory: Cumulative representation of uncertainty。Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,5(4),297-323。  new window
6.Goldstein, W. M.、Einhorn, H. J.(1987)。Expression theory and the preference reversal phenomena。Psychological Review,94(2),236-254。  new window
7.Gonzalez, Richard、Wu, George(1999)。On the Shape of the Probability Weighting Function。Cognitive Psychology,38,129-166。  new window
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9.Wu, George、Gonzalez, Richard(1996)。Curvature of the Probability Weighting Function。Management Science,42(12),1676-1690。  new window
10.Curley, S. P.、Yates, J. F.(1989)。An Empirical Evaluation of Descriptive Models of Ambiguity Reactions in Choice Situations。Journal of Mathematical Psychology,33,397-427。  new window
11.Einhorn, H. J.、Hogarth, R. M.(1985)。Ambiguity and Uncertainty in Probabilistic Inference。Psychological Review,92,433-461。  new window
12.Gilboa, I.(1987)。Expected Utility with Purely Subjective Non-Additive Probabilities。Journal of Mathematical Economics,16,65-88。  new window
13.Hogarth, R. M.(1989)。Ambiguity and Competitive Decision Making: Some Implications and Tests。Annals of Operations Research,19(1),31-50。  new window
14.Gardenfors, P.、Sahlin, Nils-Eric(1982)。Unreliable probabilities, risk taking, and decision making。Synthese,53,361-386。  new window
15.Bordly, R. F.、Hazen, G. B.(1991)。SSB and weighted linear utility as expected utility with suspicion。Management Science,37,396-409。  new window
16.Gamerer, C. F.、Weber, M.(1992)。Recent developments in modeling preference: Uncertainty and ambiguity。Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,5,325-370。  new window
17.Hazen, G.(1987)。Subjective weighted linear utility。Theory and Decision,23,261-282。  new window
18.Hogarth, R.、Einhorn, H.(1990)。Venture theory: A model of decision weights。Management Science,36,780-803。  new window
19.Kahn, B.、Sarin, R. K.(1988)。Modeling ambiguity in decisions under uncertainty。Journal of Consumer Research,15,265-272。  new window
20.Keinan, G.(1994)。Effects of stress and tolerance of ambiguity on magical thinking。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,64,48-55。  new window
21.Lattimore, P. M.、Baker, J. R.、Witte, A. D.(1992)。The influence of probability on risky choice。Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,17,377-400。  new window
22.Segal, U.(1987)。The Ellsberg paradox and risk aversion: An anticipated utility approach。International Economic Review,28,175-202。  new window
23.Tversky, A.、Fox, C. R.(1995)。Weighting risk and uncertainty。Psychological Review,102,269-283。  new window
24.Winkler, R. L.(1991)。Ambiguity, probability, preference, and decision analysis。Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,4,285-297。  new window
25.Bimbaum, M. H.、McIntosh, W. R.(1996)。Violations of branch independence in choices Between gambles。Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,67,91-110。  new window
26.Tversky, A.、Wakker, P.(1995)。Risk attitudes and decision weights。Econometrica,6,1255-1280。  new window
27.Yates, F.、Zukowski, L.(1976)。Characterization of ambiguity in decision making。Behavioral Science,21,19-25。  new window
28.Kahneman, Daniel、Tversky, Amos(1979)。Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk。Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society,47(2),263-292。  new window
29.Hu, Li-tze、Bentler, Peter M.(1998)。Fit indices in covariance structure modeling: Sensitivity to underparamenterized model misspecification。Psychological Methods,3(4),424-453。  new window
1.Kilka, M.、Weber, M.(1998)。What determines the shape of the probability weighting function under uncertainty?。  new window
1.劉世南(1998)。決策不確定效應分流機制之研究(博士論文)。國立臺灣大學。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Piaget, J.、Inhelder, B.(1975)。The Origin of the Idea of Chance in Children。New York:Norton。  new window
2.Fishbum, P. C.(1989)。Nonlinear Preference and Utility Theory。Baltimore:John Hopkin University Press。  new window
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1.Tetlock, P. E.(1992)。The impact of accountability on judgment and choice: Toward a social contingency model。Advances in experimental social psychology。Academic Press。  new window
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