

書刊名:轉給你看:開啟臺灣能源轉型;周桂田, 張國暉 (主編)
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1.Loorbach, Derk、Rotmans, Jan(2010)。The practice of transition management: Examples and lessons from four distinct cases。Futures,42(3),237-246。  new window
2.Dedrick, J.(2010)。Green IS: Concepts and Issues for Information System Research。Communications of the Association for Information Systems,27(11),173-184。  new window
3.Elliot, S.(2011)。Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Environmental Sustainability: A Resource Base and Framework for IT-enabled Business Transformation。MIS Quarterly,35(1),197-236。  new window
4.Goel, S.(2015)。Anonymity vs. Security: The Right Balance for the Smart Grid。Communications of the Association for Information Systems,36(2)。  new window
5.Markard, J.、Raven, R.、Truffer, B.(2012)。Sustainability Transitions: an Emerging Field of Research and its Perspective。Research Policy,41,955-967。  new window
6.Melville, N.、Street, T.、Arbor, A.(2010)。Information systems Innovation for Environmental sustainability。MIS Quarterly,34(1),1-21。  new window
7.Nevens, F.、Frantzeskaki, N.、Gorissen, L.(2013)。Urban Transition Labs: Co-Creating Transformative Action for Sustainable Cities。Journal of Cleaner Production,50,111-122。  new window
8.Paskaleva, K. A.(2011)。The Smart City: A Nexus for Open the Smart City: A Nexus for Open Innovation?。Buildings,3,153-171。  new window
9.Vom Brocke, J.、Waston, R.、Dwyer, C.、Elliot, S.、Melville, N.(2013)。Green Information Systems: Directives for the IS discipline。Communications of the Association for Information Systems,33(30),509-520。  new window
1.Chen, S.-C.、Miau, S.、Wu, C.-C.(2014)。Toward a Smart Government: An Experience of E-Invoice Development in Taiwan。PACIS 2014。  new window
2.Brauer, B.、Eisel, M.、Kolbe, L.(2015)。The State of the Art in Smart City Research--A Literature Analysis on Green IS Solutions to Foster Environmental Sustainability。PACIS 2015。  new window
3.Granath, M.、Axelsson, K.(2014)。Stakeholders' Views on ICT and Sustainable Development in an Urban Development Project。ECIS 2014。  new window
4.Kapoor, K.、Millard, J.、Weerakkody, V.(2015)。Smart Transport for Smarter Cities in the UK。AMCIS 2015。  new window
5.Krogstie, J.、Stálbrøst, A.、Holst, M.、Gudmundsdottir, A.、Olesen, A.(2013)。Using a Living Lab Methodology for Developing Energy Savings Solutions。AMCIS 2013。  new window
6.Kumar, A.、Zhao, K.(2013)。Making Sense of a Healthcare Forum--Smart Keyword and User Navigation Graphs。ICIS 2013。  new window
7.Lin, Y.-T.、Ou Yang, Y. S.、Hsu, C.(2013)。Building Legitimacy for Green IS Innovations in Taiwan。PACIS 2013。  new window
8.Loeser, F.(2013)。Green IT and green IS: Definition of Constructs and Overview of Current Practices。AMCIS 2013。  new window
9.Loevehagen, N.、Bondesson, A.(2013)。Evaluating Sustainability of Using ICT Solutions in Smart Cities--Methodology Requirements。International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies of Sustainability 2013,175-182。  new window
10.Maccani, G.、Donnellan, B.、Helfert, M.(2014)。Systematic Problem Formulation in Action Design Research: The Case of Smart Cities。ECIS 2014。  new window
11.Nam, T.、Pardo, T.(2011)。Conceptualizing Smart City with Dimensions of Technology, People, and Institutions。The International Digital Government Research Conference on Digital Government Innovation in Challenging Times 2011。  new window
12.Nguyen, V.-T.、Le, T.-N.、Bui, Q.-M.、Tran, M.-T.、Duong, A.-D.(2012)。Smart Shopping Assistant: A Multimedia and Social Media Augmented System with Mobile Devices to Enhance Customers' Experience and Interaction。PACIS 2012。  new window
13.Ojo, Adegboyega、Curry, Edward、Janowski, Tomasz(2014)。Next Generation Smart City Initiatives--Harnessing Findings and Lessons from a Study often Smart City Programs。ECIS 2014。  new window
14.Wagner, S.、Brandt, T.、Neumann, D.(2014)。Smart City Planning--Developing an Urban Changing Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles。ECIS 2014。  new window
15.Walravens, N.(2013)。The City as a Service Platform: A Typology of City Platform Roles in Mobile Service Provision。AMCIS 2013。  new window
1.Roorda, C.、Wittmayer, J.、Henneman, P.、van Steenbergen, F.、Frantzeskaki, N.、Loorbach, D.(2014)。Transition management in the urban context: guidance manual。Rotterdam:Erasmus University。  new window
2.Verbong, G.、Loorbach, D.(2012)。Governing the Energy Transition: Reality, Illusion or Necessity?。New York:Routledge。  new window
3.IPCC(2014)。Mitigation of Climate Change: Contribution of Working Group Ill to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC。Cambridge University Press。  new window
4.German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)(2016)。Humanity on the Move: Unlocking the Transformative Power of Cities。Berlin:WBGU。  new window
1.Giffinger, Rudolf,Fertner, Christian,Kramar, Hans,Kalasek, Robert,Pichler-Milanovic, Nataša,Meijers, Evert(2007)。Smart cities: Ranking of European medium-sized cities,http://www.smart-cities.eu/download/smart_cities_final_report.pdf。  new window
2.Drift(2011)。Urban Transition Management Manual,https://transitiepraktijk.nl/files/Urban%20TM%20Manual%20Drift%20Music%20April%202011(1).pdf。  new window
1.歐陽瑜(20140000)。永續發展--一個治理的問題:從高雄氣爆事件談轉型管理的落實。永續之殤:從高雄氣爆解析環境正義與轉型怠惰。臺北:五南。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Loorbach, D.、Wittmayer, J. M.、Shiroyama, H.、Fujino, J.、Mizuguchi, S.(2016)。Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability。Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions European and Asian Experiences。Berlin:Springer。  new window
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