

作者(外文):Yen-Jen Chen
主題關鍵詞:本土非營利組織台北仁濟院社會力國家權力外部環境IndigenousNPOsTaipei Zen-Chi Relief Institution (Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan)social powerstate powerexternal environment
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The NPOs with charities have been long occupying important roles in welfare history. The Western welfare states do not dismiss the welfare function of NPOs; instead, the NPOs are expected not only to promote human rights, but also to fulfill their own main beliefs. The experience for developing NPOs’ social power in the Western countries will be the theoretical frame of this study, trying to answer the question as whether the NPOs in Taiwan represented a sample of social power, or just a form of the expanding state power.
In order to have a comprehensive understanding for the nature and contribution of indigenous NPOs in Taiwan, and their interaction with the state in objective and rigorous way, we need to put indigenous NPOs back in Taiwan’s historical context and therefore analyze their development in varied historical stages. For this reason, this study will not be too procedural or superficial, and we would like to have a dialogue with the specific experience of NPOs in the Western countries.
From Ching Dynasty, there have been several NPOs set up in Taiwan, such as “Children’s Home” which was set up by Wen-Yuan Lin in 1866, and many other social charity organizations funded by the men with wealth. According to literature, there were seven social charity organizations in Ching’s Taiwan, which aimed to support the poor people. Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan is one of the earliest social charity organizations in Taiwan, and the oldest one. This study will focus on its development as an important sample of indigenous NPOs in Taiwan, particularly on the changing relationships with the states in different stages.
For over hundred years, Taiwan experienced uncertainty ages and many different ruling governments, but those elderly social charity organizations still kept delivering their services to the people. They should have their own ways to survive in different political climates, and we believe that Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan is one of the cases. In this study, we found that its relationships with the different ruling governments have changed accordingly.
1.In the Ching Dynasty, there were five charity organizations belonging to Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan, one of them organized by individual and the others by the government. This period may be called as “government-led period”.
2.In the Japan colonial period, Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan combined the other four social charity organizations. At that time, the government issued the Civil Law and hoped that social charity organizations became associated bodies to invite more the general citizens to join charity businesses. This period may be regarded as “government-people combined period”.
3.After the KMT government ruled Taiwan, all social organizations were controlled by the government, but economic recession because of civil war gave an important opportunity to the rise of charity organizations. Some Taiwanese elites transferred Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan to a foundation body and therefore gave the organization a chance to get away from the control of the state, to focus on delivering service to the marginal people, and to become a new role of supplying and substituting social welfare. This period is called as “independent period”. In this period, Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan, relying on its long-term accumulated wealth and recruiting some political elites into its management board, maintained a certain distance with the ruling government.
4.After the lifting of Martial Law, Taiwan gradually developed into democratic politics. Social power has been released. Great amount of social charity organizations have been set up during this period, that put a lot of challenges to Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan, such as the amendment of legislations and the competition of welfare markets. Although the finance has maintained independent, Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan began to contact with the government actively and tried to change its management style, for example, building up a modern nursing home for the elderly. This period is called as “integrated period”.
5.In the DPP government period, there is no obvious change of relationships between the government and Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan.
Although time is changing and the ruling government is different, the nature and mission of Taipei Zen-Chi Yuan to do social services is unchanged. In this study, we found that the following characters supported this organization to survive for over hundred years.
1.Clear and firm mission.
2.Independent finance
3.Maintaining a neutral but associated relationships with any certain political party
4.High participation of the members in the executive board.
5.High trust offered by the executive board.
6.Treated “legitimacy” as an important principle.
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