

主題關鍵詞:女性親職化孝道親密關係施與受轉化詮釋現象學分化主題分析法Feminine Parentificationfilial pietyintimate relationshipgive and taketransformationhermeneneutic phenomenologydifferentiationthematic analysis
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The purpose of this research is to explore feminine experiential nature of parentification, and how the experiences had influenced interaction and transformation of “giving and taking” in the marital relationships. Hermeneutic phenomenology was applied to interpret experiences of parentification of Taiwanese women, and to interpret significance and transformation endowed by these experiences under interaction of giving and taking in marital relationships. Four female participants through purposive sampling screened with “Scale of Parentification” were invited to in-depth semi-structural interviews. Data collecting was based on transcription of the interviews. Thematic analysis was used to decide strategies and steps of analyzing. The principle stuck to intersubjective agreement and validating of the research team and participants.
Results of thematic analysis indicated seven themes to interpret experiences of parentification of Taiwanese women and significance and transformation endowed by the experiences under interaction of “giving and taking” in marital relationships, including: 1.massive difficulties of family of origin bearing worries of vicissitude, 2.cooped rigid family rules resulting in extreme nurturing and fettered filial piety, 3.personaliies shaped by the culture tending to shoulder burdens of families, 4.women with gratitude taking great burden to take care of the families, 5.content derived from longing for intimacy along with identification gained from burden-taking, 6. no balance between giving and taking along with dilemma of trust and commitment, and
7.pursuit of balance between filial piety and marriage along with self-identity in terms of giving and taking.
Experiences of parentification of the participants indicated their tough volitions in their childhood when facing domestic difficulties. Although ceaseless discrepancies and conflicts prevailed, they were willing to take the great responsibilities for maintaining wholeness of the family; further, role of care-taker was duplicated in their marriages. They longed for compensation. However, being in two minds resulted from imbalance between “giving” and “taking” hindered them from being committed to their marriages. In addition, their values and toughness in marriages presented gender difficulties under culture of paternity, but from the difficulties soundly signified the relational nature of pursuit of harmony with concerned filial piety and ceaseless growth amidst themselves, marriages and families of origin. Moreover, the transformational mechanism between the participants and their families of origin was “differentiation”, and the one of spouse relations was“trust”and“equity”. The degree of transformation of the participants depended on their cognition and practice of commitment to filial piety and marriages, and the pattern wasn’t rigid, but with its own extent and limit. Finally, suggestions and introspection are offered for future research and related practice in terms of issues of plight of married women with parentification.
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