

作者(外文):Hu, Hui-Chun
主題關鍵詞:國小數學教育計劃行為理論數學學習動機數學知覺行為控制Elementary MathematicsTheory of Planned BehaviorLearning Motivation of MathAction Control Strategies of MathLearning Motivation of MathAction Control Strategies of Math
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The aim of the study is to explore the execution model of creating and maintaining the long-term learning literacy of 5th and 6th graders with different background conditions in mathematics. Three independent variables from the revised theory of planned behavior were applied to predict long-term learning literacy (learning motivation (“motivation”) and action control strategies (action control) in definition) of math: attitude toward the behavior of mathematics (“attitide”), subjective norm of mathematics (“norm”), and perceived behavioral control of mathematics (“behavioral control”). 383 effective samples collected and analysed by SEM (structural equation modeling) methods were from southern Taiwan, with 5 self-developed Questionnaires. The major findings are summarized as follows.
As for the scoring results, motivation > action control > attitude > behavioral control > norm, which means the theoretical model of the study can be highly predictive to long-term learning literacy. Also attitude and behavioral control are relatively better predicting factors.
Girls were better in expectancies for success, stronger in execution control strategies, and attitudes were easier influenced by instructors. Cutural factors shall be the major influencer to find the findings opposite to foreign studies. Otherwise, although math. scores were not necessarily related to satisfaction, but students with higher satisfaction in math could also get higher evaluation in ability beliefs, motivation control strategies, and attention control strategies. More important, these evaluation results which can turn into long-term learning literacy were directly related to instructors’ efforts.
Finally, attitude, norm, and behavior control can be analysed to find the major control factors of certain behavior, therefore we can push objective people to execute expacted certain behavior by controlling these control factors. Norm was actually ineffective in this case, which applied that the concept to control subjective norm to nourish the long-term learning literacy is not proper as for this study.
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