

主題關鍵詞:教師實務知識高中英文典範教師實務知識認知結構高中英文課綱質性研究teacher’s practical knowledgemodel English teacher in senior high schoolthe structure of practical knowledgeEnglish curriculum guidelines for senior high schoolqualitative research
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The main aim of this study was to investigate a model English teacher’s practical knowledge who was involved in the education reform context. The focus of this study was to illustrate the content of model English teacher’s practical knowledge, the structure of practical knowledge, the factors affecting teacher’s practical knowledge and model English teacher’s practical knowledge development. A qualitative research was adopted to elicit data needed. Classroom observation, in-depth interview, documentation and classroom artifacts were involved as the main sources of data collected and analyzed in this study. After collecting and interpreting the data, ten results were listed as follows and several suggestions of this study were given.
1.Model English teacher’s practical knowledge takes on the structure of practical knowledge, including images, practical principles, and rules of practices. Images are formed through experiences, guiding the development of practical principles and rules of practices. Reflection makes images more clear.
2.Knowledge of self dominates the following development of other practical knowledge.
3.Model English teacher’s practical knowledge conforms to the characteristics of English curriculum guidelines for senior high school.
4.The development of assessment knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge is narrowed by diplomaism.
5.All practical knowledge is formed through reflection and experiences in a real context.
6.All practical knowledge mutually function, contributing to a rich and successful teaching, especially student knowledge.
7.Factors of curriculum policies hinder the development and application of practical knowledge.
8.Six stages exist in the developmental process of practical knowledge with the circulation of obstacle-challenge-overcome mechanism
9.The developmental process of practical knowledge is formed by pulling and dragging between reality and ideality.
10.The developmental process of practical knowledge is based on both theory and practice.
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