

作者:游鑑明 引用關係
作者(外文):Yu, Chien-ming
主題關鍵詞:女子體育日治時期體能訓練體操課新身體Female physical educationJapanese colonial periodPhysical trainingCalisthenicsNew body
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(39) 博士論文(16) 專書(9) 專書論文(3)
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     Physical education formed part of the Japanese colonial government's educational efforts. Under the strong control of the colonial system, female physical education promoted female body-building as the policies gradually developed. In this paper, focus of discussion will be on female physical education during the Japanese colonial period by probing into female student body-building efforts. Discussion will begin by touching on the institution and development of physical education classes through which issues in the development process and problems of female physical education will be addressed. Then, by focusing attention on physical skills training and sports competitions, a study will be made into various extracurricular physical fitness movements for female students. Lastly, a probe will be made into how female physical education changed the physical consistency of female students, as well as views of female students on their new bodies and the reactions from society in general. Female physical education during the Japanese colonial period was largely patterned on the west. However, to adapt to local Taiwanese environment, the colonial government started with drives aimed at discouraging the practice of foot-binding. This was followed by the promotion of physical education, done in the initial stage through games, then later evolving into calisthenics and competition training. This was followed by the promotion of national defense physical education. Owing to limited class hours in physical education, extracurricular physical training and sports meets were adopted as means to further create opportunities for body training. Thus, both curricular and extracurricular physical training activities helped mold female students' new bodies in a way that influenced their sports mentalities, roles and status. This improvement in the physical conditions of female students caused Taiwan's intellectuals to adopt a generally supportive attitude, thus contributing to a greater acceptance of female physical education. However, scarce physical education facilities and teachers, in addition to schools' neglect of anomalies related to sports meets, created some difficulties in the development of female physical education. Despite all these, female physical education in the Japanese colonial period led to a change in the physical consistency of Taiwanese female students. By emphasizing group training and the goal of attaining physical consistency at par with those of Japanese nationals, the colonial government thus helped form the body of the Taiwanese female students.
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