

作者(外文):Liao, Hsiu-Chuan
主題關鍵詞:酒駕犯罪社會脈絡敘事研究歷程日常活動理論driving under influence of alcohol (DUI) crimesocial contextsnarrative researchprocessRoutine Activity Theory (RAT)
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  研究發現:(1) 多數(5/8)酒駕受刑人曾遭遇過負面生活事件,女性酒駕受刑人會因為負面生活事件而飲酒來宣洩情緒或麻痺自己對負面生活事件的感覺;相對的,男性酒駕受刑人在上班時間於工作地點喝酒,有時也因為社交活動飲酒。(2) 酒駕受刑人常忘記或忽略酒駕是違法的行為而酒駕,抑或抱持著僥倖態度,認為不會被警察發現。(3) 酒駕的誘因包括飲酒地點和家/或飲酒者要去的目的地距離不遠,為圖方便而自行駕車而非坐計程車或大眾運輸工具。(4)犯罪時情境大都缺乏監控(如:一起飲酒的朋友、無酒駕攔檢站、巡邏車少經過)。(5)自我控制理論可解釋重複酒駕,社會學習理論可解釋飲酒行為的起始和對酒駕犯罪與執法的態度,而日常活動理論則可解釋酒駕行為的發展情境。
Drink driving is a crucial social problem around the world. Alcohol is an issue overlooked in public health despite the burden of its effects – the 3rd largest risk factor towards global mortality and morbidity. DUI crime continues to be a major issue of criminology and criminal justice in Taiwan. Due to the high recidivism rate and the number of offenders, DUI crime is the major issue of criminological study and the criminal justice system in Taiwan.
The current study aims at exploring the internal and external characteristics and social context of DUI inmates and DUI crime, employing Self-Control Theory, Routine Activity Theory, and Social Learning Theory to explain the process of DUI crime, comparing gender differences in the context and process of DUI crime, and discussing theoretical/policy implications based on research findings.
The study employs qualitative in-depth interviews and purposive quota sampling to collect data. Subjects include 4 male and 4 female DUI inmates in Taichung Detention, Taichung Prison, and Taichung Women’s Prison. The sample in each gender should contain 1st incarceration, recidivism, causing traffic accidents, or not.
The study finds that 1) 5/8 DUI inmates suffer negative life events. For female DUI inmates, they prone to drink and DUI to vent their emotions, or numb their feelings for negative life events. On contrary, male DUI inmates drink in working areas during working hours, and for social issues. 2) DUI inmates may forget DUI is illegal or ignore it and commit DUI crimes. They keep “lucky psychology” in mind to DUI for not being found by the police. 3) The incentives for DUI include the short distance between drinking venues and the home/destination they intend to go to. Using their own vehicles but not calling taxis is convenient for them to DUI. 4) Lack of guardians – including drinking friends, sobriety checkpoints, and patrol cars also incentives to DUI. 5) Self-control Theory can explain why some DUI offenders commit more crimes, Social Learning Theory can explain the initiation, attitudes, and viewpoint toward DUI crime and punishment, and RAT can explain the situation and process of DUI crime.
Based on the research findings, suggestions related to DUI offenders treatment, correction, recidivism prevention, and future study for DUI crime are discussed, including treatment aspect, the change of individual lifestyle, situational control and supervision, suggestions for drinkers, and policy aspect.
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